Dyanote is an hypertext-based note-taking application and this is the server side.
The server side consists of a REST API which currently can be accessed at the following urls:
We use OAuth2 for authenticating. Login with an URL encoded post request to:
POST /api/users/user@example.com/login/
?client_id=CLIENT_ID // Client ID
&client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET // Client Secret
&username=USERNAME // Email of the user to login
&password=PASSWORD // Password of the user
-> { data: {..., access_token: "This is the token you'll need to use in every request"} }
At the time of writing, the javascript client on dyanote.com uses the following credentials:
Client ID: edfd9c435154a6f75673
Client Secret: cf3aba97518712959062b52dc5c524dd4f6741bd
If your application is going to be used much, please contact me (I'll create new credentials for you)
All requests requiring authentication will need the following HTTP header:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
POST /api/users
email: "user@example.com",
password: "..."
Verification mail is sent.
POST /api/users/user@example.com/
verification_code: "..."
User is now activated.
GET /api/users/user@example.com/
"url": "https://api.dyanote.com/api/users/user@example.com/",
"username": "user@example.com",
"email": "user@example.com",
"pages": "https://api.dyanote.com/api/users/user@example.com/pages/",
"logout": "https://api.dyanote.com/api/users/user@example.com/logout/",
"change_password": "https://api.dyanote.com/api/users/user@example.com/change_password/",
"change_password": "https://api.dyanote.com/api/users/user@example.com/send_password_reset/",
POST https://api.dyanote.com/api/users/user@example.com/logout/
POST https://api.dyanote.com/api/users/user@example.com/password/
old: "old password or password reset code",
new: "new password"
If the user forgot the password
DELETE https://api.dyanote.com/api/users/user@example.com/password/
Will mail him a reset code.
Django REST framework was used to make the REST API implementation simpler and shorter.