
Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A simple JS-framework for creating (mobile) games (using IoT devices).

Use AnyboardJS without IoT devices

  1. Click here to download a full version or here to download a minified one.
  2. Include the following in your head of your html file <script src="dist/AnyBoard.js"></script>

For an examples, check out the examples/html-deck/.

Use AnyboardJS with IoT devices

AnyboardJS is decoupled from any bluetooth communication and environment. The communication is handled by separate drivers, which implement the sending and receiving of data from IoT devices.

However, some drivers and firmware is available for LightBlue Bean and rfduino which is based on a evothings + cordova environment.

You can use the existing drivers and firmware by

  1. Download and install Evothings to your PC/Mac
  2. Download and install Evothings on your phone
  3. Acquire a Anyboard rfduino Token or a LightBlue Bean.
  4. Upload firmware to the device via Arduino-software
  5. Create an index.html with the following inside <head>:
    <!-- cordova.js -->
	<script src="cordova.js"></script>

    <!-- AnyboardJS libraries -->
    <script src="dist/anyboard.js"></script>

    <!-- Include evothings -->
    <script src="libs/evothings/evothings.js"></script>
    <script src="libs/evothings/easyble/easyble.js"></script>
    <!-- Include bluetooth discovery driver -->
    <script src="drivers/discovery.evothings.bluetooth.js"></script>
    <!-- Include driver for LightBlue Bean -->
    <script src="drivers/bean.evothings.bluetooth.js"></script>
    <!-- Include driver for AnyboardJS rfduino Pawn-->
    <script src="drivers/rfduino.evothings.bluetooth.js"></script>

Now you're ready to start writing some code, e.g.

    AnyBoard.TokenManager.scan(function(token) {
            token.connect(function() {

For more examples, check out the examples.

Develop AnyboardJS further

If you wish to contribute to the development of the AnyBoard library, clone this repo.


  • Install node
  • clone this repo ```git clone git@github.com:tomfa/anyboardjs.git``
  • navigate to this folder in console: cd path/to/anyboardjs
  • install node dependencies: npm install
  • install grunt-cli npm install -g grunt-cli (potentially need sudo)

You've got what you need in order to develop efficiently!

Create new drivers

There are two type of drivers. One for discovering devices (like discovery.evothings.bluetooth.js) and one for spesific chips (like rfdino.evothings.bluetooth.js). If you wish to create a driver for a new device, copy rfdino.evothing.bluetooth.js and adjust it to the new device.

A new firmware will also have to be made. Copy BeanToken.ino and adjust it to the new device.

Change or add AnyboardJS entities

Change or add AnyboardJS entities by editing or adding files to the libs folder. The changes will be automatically added to a new build of Anyboard.js upon grunt build.


  • grunt test - runs all tests from files in the folder test
  • grunt build - creates a compiled version under /dist (full and minified)
  • grunt doc - creates a new version of documentation.md
  • grunt copy - copies /dist/anyboard.js to /dist/examples/*/dist/anyboard.js as well as replacing firmware in the examples.


See documentation.md


See examples