This GitHub repository contains all the files that are required for the pawn token of AnyBoard project.
The folder firmware contains the RFduino program of the pawn. This folder contains four libraries that have to be copied and pasted in the Arduino's libraries folder.
The folder demo_application_evothings contains all the files needed for the demo application. This application is made with evothings. In order to use this application, just follow this tutorial
- RFduino (website, GitHub)
- Accelerometer ADXL345 (datasheet)
- Vibrating motor (datasheet)
- Color detection sensor TCS347254 (datasheet)
- Capacitive sensor MPR121 (datasheet)
- LED display (datasheet, Adafruit product)
In order to use all the components listed in the hardware part, some Adafruit's libraries have been used. These libraries are includes in the four libraries that are in the libraries folder.
For the ADXL345 the Adafruit_ADXL345 Arduino's library is used (Adafruit_ADXL345).
The Adafruit_ADXL345 library is based on the Adafruit's Unified Sensor Library (Adafruit_Sensor).
For the MPR121 the Adafruit_MPR121 Arduino's library is used (Adafruit_MPR121)
For the TCS34725 used with an autorage mechanism the Adafruit library is used (Adafruit_TCS34725)
For the LED display the Adafruit_GFX library is used (Adafruit_GFX)
And the Adafruit_lED_backpack library is also required (Adafruit_lED_backpack)
In the folder examples few arduino sketch example can be found. These programs are example programs using the accelerometer ADXL345. In order to run those example, the libraries contained in the folder /examples/libraries have to be copied and pasted in the Arduino's libraries folder.
##License See the licencse.txt file for license rights and limitations (Apache V2.0).