An advanced and multi-functional Discord bot written in Python.
- Easy to set up 👌
- Plays music from YouTube 🎶
- Slash Commands support 🤖
- Embedded Command output 🌌
- Simple usage 😎
Here are all the available commands you can use!
Commands | Description | Usage |
Music | --- | --- |
join | Joins a voice channel | /join ^voice cannel^ |
play | Streams music from Youtube | /play ^youtube url / video name^ |
dplay | Downloads and plays music from Youtube | /dplay ^youtube url / video name^ |
stop | Disconnects from voice channel | /stop |
volume | Changes the volume of the bot | /volume ^percentage of volume^ |
Fast Replies | --- | --- |
hello | Greets the user | /hello ^(optional) name^ |
ping | Checks the bot's latency | /ping |
color | Displays a hex color as a png | /color ^hex color code^ |
publish | Publishes an embeded message | /publish ^heading^ ^message^ ^(4 optional...)^ |
id | Displays your or the bot's id | /id ^myid / botid^ |
getid | Displays the id of a user | /getid ^mention user^ |
github | Info about the bot's GitHub. | /github |
version | Get info about the version | /version |
Fun | --- | --- |
roll | Rolls a dice | /roll ^dice^d^sides^ |
roulette | Play russian roulette | /roulette |
mimic | Mimics everything you say | /mimic ^something^ |
8ball | Play 8ball with the bot | /8ball ^question^ |
vbucks | Do you want VBucks? | /vbucks |
Admin | --- | --- |
clear | Deletes given amount of messages. | /clear ^amount of messages^ |
Maths | --- | --- |
add | Adds two numbers | /add ^number 1^ ^number 2^ |
sub | Subtracts two numbers | /sub ^number 1^ ^number 2^ |
mult | Multiplies two numbers | /mult ^number 1^ ^number 2^ |
div | Divides two numbers | /div ^number 1^ ^number 2^ |
root | Returns the root of the numbers | /root ^number 1^ ^number 2^ |
pi | Displays the number pi | /pi |
Convert | --- | --- |
cm_inch | Converts centimeter to inch | /cm_inch ^number^ |
km_miles | Converts kilometres to miles | /km_miles ^number^ |
kmh_mph | Converts kmh to mph | /kmh_mph ^number^ |
mps_kmh | Converts mps to kmh | /mps_kmh ^number^ |
c_f | Converts celsius to fahrenheit | /c_f ^number^ |
l_gal | Converts litres to galleons | /l_gal ^number^ |
help | Displays help | /help ^options^ |
Download the Enhanced-Downloader from here.
- It will assist you during the download and installation of the Enhanced-Bot.
If you want support for voice (eg. to hear music) follow these steps:
- Download and install FFMPEG from here
- Don't forget to add the folder, in which you saved the files, to your PATH!
- If you need additional help, follow this tutorial.
- Make sure you have Python 3.8 or higher installed and have added it to PATH during the installation process!
- Otherwise install/repair Python with the installer from here
- Install all the dependencies from the requirements.txt file.
- Type
pip install -r requirements.txt
in the Windows Terminal. (You have to be in the same folder as requirements.txt).
- Type
- Next download and install FFMPEG from here
- Don't forget to add the folder, in which you saved the files, to your PATH!
- If you need additional help, follow this tutorial.
- Copy the content from .env.example into a new .env file (name it just that (no extension!)) and fill it.
is the bots token.GUILDS
is/are the id/s of the guild/s you want the bot to be in. (If there are more than one, just sepperate them with a comma.)
- Download the file and run it. Done!