
The Student Management System is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline the management of student information in an educational institution. This system enables administrators, teachers, and staff to efficiently handle student data, course details, and academic performance.

Primary LanguageC++

Student Management System

This is a C++ program for managing student information, including personal details and course scores. The program provides functionalities such as sorting, printing, and querying student data based on various criteria.

Project Background

This documentation outlines the completion of the third assignment for the C++ course design in the School of Intelligent Engineering at Sun Yat-sen University for the academic year 2022. The project aims to develop a comprehensive student management system, providing functionalities for organizing and analyzing student information.


Table of Contents


The program reads student information from two input files: StudentCourse.txt and StudentInfo.txt. It performs various operations, including sorting, printing, and querying student data based on different criteria. The results are stored in an output file named result.txt.

File Structure

The project consists of two files:

  • StudentManageSys.h: Header file containing class declarations, structure definitions, and function prototypes.
  • StudentManageSys.cpp: Implementation file containing the actual implementation of the functions declared in the header file.

Classes and Functions

1. StudentManageSys.h


  • Date Class: Represents the date of birth, providing functionality to parse a date string.
class Date {
    // ...
  • StudentInfo Structure: Contains personal information about a student.
struct StudentInfo {
    std::string name;
    std::string sex;
    Date birthday{};
    std::string schoolYear;
    std::string birthplace;
  • CourseData Structure: Stores information about a student's course.
struct CourseData {
    double credits;
    double score;
  • StudentCourse Type: An unordered map representing a student's course information.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, CourseData> StudentCourse;
  • StudentManageSys Class: The main class representing the student management system.
class StudentManageSys {
    // ...
  • Comparator Functions: Various comparator functions for sorting students based on different criteria.
bool CompareById(const std::pair<std::string, std::pair<StudentInfo, StudentCourse>>& p1, const std::pair<std::string, std::pair<StudentInfo, StudentCourse>>& p2);
// ... Other comparator functions

2. StudentManageSys.cpp


  • Implementation of Date Class Overloads: Overloaded operators for date comparison.
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Date date);
bool operator>(Date date1, Date date2);
  • Comparator Function Implementations: Implementations of comparator functions for sorting students.
bool CompareById(const std::pair<std::string, std::pair<StudentInfo, StudentCourse>> &p1, const std::pair<std::string, std::pair<StudentInfo, StudentCourse>> &p2) {
    return p1.first < p2.first;
// ... Other comparator function implementations
  • StudentManageSys Class Implementation: Methods for printing, sorting, finding students, calculating average scores, and more.
void StudentManageSys::Sort(Compare comp) {
    // ...

void StudentManageSys::FindStuInfoInRange(const std::string &course, double minScore, double maxScore) {
    // ...

double StudentManageSys::AverageScore(const std::string &id_) {
    // ...

// ... Other method implementations
  • Main Function: A main function demonstrating the usage of implemented functionalities.
int main() {
    // ...

Implemented Functionalities and Functions

1. File Input and Initialization

  • Function:
    StudentManageSys::StudentManageSys(std::ifstream& fin1, std::ifstream& fin2);
  • Description: Reads data from two input files (StudentCourse.txt and StudentInfo.txt) to initialize the Student Management System. The data includes information about students' courses and personal details.

2. Print Student Information

  • Function:
    void StudentManageSys::Print(const std::string& id_);
  • Description: Prints detailed information about a student identified by their student ID.

3. Print All Student Information

  • Function:
    void StudentManageSys::PrintAll();
  • Description: Prints detailed information about all students in the system.

4. Sort Students Based on Various Criteria

  • Function:
    template<typename Compare>
    void StudentManageSys::Sort(Compare comp);
  • Description: Sorts and prints students based on different criteria specified by the comparator function provided as a template argument. Criteria include sorting by ID, name, birthday, school year, individual course scores, and total scores.

5. Find Students with Scores in a Given Range

  • Function:
    void StudentManageSys::FindStuInfoInRange(const std::string& course, double minScore, double maxScore);
  • Description: Searches for and prints students who achieved scores in a specified range for a particular course.

6. Calculate Average Score for a Student

  • Function:
    double StudentManageSys::AverageScore(const std::string& id_);
  • Description: Calculates and returns the average score of a student across all courses.

7. Query Students Based on Custom Conditions

  • Functions:
    void StudentManageSys::FindStuInfoByConditions(const std::function<bool(const std::pair<std::string, std::pair<StudentInfo, StudentCourse>>&)>& cond);
    void StudentManageSys::FindStuInfoByConditions2(const std::function<bool(const std::pair<std::string, std::pair<StudentInfo, StudentCourse>>&)>& cond, std::vector<std::string>& res);
  • Description:
    • FindStuInfoByConditions: Searches for and prints students based on custom conditions specified by a boolean function pointer.
    • FindStuInfoByConditions2: Similar to the above, but additionally stores student IDs in a vector for further processing.

8. Remove Students Based on Custom Conditions

  • Function:
    void StudentManageSys::RemoveStuInfoByConditions(const std::function<bool(const std::pair<std::string, std::pair<StudentInfo, StudentCourse>>&)>& cond);
  • Description: Removes students from the system based on custom conditions specified by a boolean function pointer.

9. Testing Functionality

  • Function:
    void StudentManageSys::Test(std::ofstream& file);
  • Description: Executes a set of predefined tests and writes the results to an output file (result.txt). Test cases include finding students with specific criteria and checking if students meet credit requirements.

10. Main Function for Demonstration

  • Function:
    int main();
  • Description: Demonstrates the usage of various functionalities, including initialization, testing, sorting, and querying, in the main function.

Example Usage

#include "student_management_system.h"

int main() {
    std::ifstream fin1("./StudentCourse.txt");
    std::ifstream fin2("./StudentInfo.txt");
    StudentManageSys sms(fin1, fin2);

    std::ofstream file("./result.txt");

    // Display sorting functionality
    std::cout << "@————Sorting Features (in logical order)————@" << std::endl;
    // ... (similarly, other sorting criteria)

    // Display range query features
    std::cout << "@————Range Query Features (default order by ID if multiple entries)————@" << std::endl;
    sms.FindStuInfoInRange("C Programming Language", 0, 60);
    sms.FindStuInfoInRange("College English", 80, 90);

    // Display multiple condition query and deletion features
    std::cout << "@————Multiple Condition Query and Deletion Features (default order by ID)————@" << std::endl;
    // ... (similarly, other query conditions and deletions)

    return 0;

Project Highlights

  • Data Storage:

    • Utilizes std::map to store student information efficiently.
    • Uses std::unordered_map to store course information for quick access.
  • Flexible Sorting:

    • Employs template-based sorting, allowing users to define custom comparison functions.
    • Supports sorting based on various criteria such as ID, name, scores, and total scores.
  • Dynamic Querying:

    • Enables users to query students based on custom conditions using function pointers.
  • Comprehensive Testing:

    • Includes a testing function to demonstrate the system's capabilities with predefined scenarios.

You could feel free to modify and adapt the program to suit your needs.

Finally,contact with me if you have any questions.😎