Multi-User Blog

This software allows users to create an account, create new blog posts and comments on posts, edit their existing posts and comments, and like other users' posts are comments.

This software is running live at

Setting Up Your own deployment

Alternatively to using the live link above, you may run this software locally or deploy it to your own AppEngine account:

  1. a. Update the value of application in app.yaml to the app ID you have registered in the App Engine admin console and would like to use to host your instance of this sample.

    b. The following secret_key variables should be updated: - (line261): config['webapp2_extras.sessions']['secret_key'] - (line20): secret

  2. a. To run the app locally, use the devserver using DIR. You may then use the software by visiting its URI (by default: localhost:8080 )

    b. If deploying to App Engine, either upload the software with the Google AppEngineLauncher or run the command -A [YOUR_PROJECT_ID] update DIR You can view additional information here

Using the Blog

The main pages of the blog can be navigated by using the menu on the top-right corner of the page. For a user not logged in, they are:

The home page will display the last 10 blog posts that have been made by
all users.
The signup page allows a user to create an account. Usernames must be
unique and can be between 3 and 20 characters. Characters must be
alphanumeric, hyphens and underscores are also accepted. Passwords
must also be between 3 and 20 characters. An email may be provided
optionally, but at this time providing one does not add any functionality.
The login page allows a user to enter their unique username and password
in order to login. A user must be logged in in order to create, edit, or
delete their posts and comments, or to like/unlike other users posts and

A user who is logged in will see the following menu:

New Post
The new post page display a form to create new posts. Simply enter your new
post's subject and body and click the Create Post button below the form!
Display's the current logged in user's username. Links to /user/[username]
The /user/[username] page will display the last 10 posts that have been
made by that user.
Allows the current user to log out.

Other Pages

Clicking on any post's title will load the page for that post. Here, users
can read and submit comments in reply to the post.
Delete Item
Should a user wish to delete a post or comment, this page will ask the user
for confirmation.
Edit Page
If a user wishes to edit the content or a prior post or comment, this page
will display a form similar to the form used to create a new post or


To toggle a post or comment that you wish to like or unlike, simply click on the Like button under the header of the item.