HarvardX CS50AI Course Solutions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


My work on Harvard's online extension course CS50AI. The course teaches a high-level overview of various fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence, including machine learning, neural networks, and natural-language processing. Note that most of the projects are in working order, but both the Minesweeper and Crossword projects may have a few issues in them causing them to not always function properly


I sped through this course because I was trying to catch up with my sister and I had already seen most of the concepts from a past course I did through Columbia University's online extension. I wish I had taken more time in the beginning to clean up my projects and make sure they were actually working before continuing on.

Overall, the course was a nice re-introduction to programming in Python and machine-learning concepts. I found the lectures well done, on a similar level as the original CS50 course. Although the concepts were harder and much more abstract, the topics regarding probability especially made my head spin a bit.

My memory from the Columbia Data Science course was that the final week regarding natural language was going to suck. But I was so wrong. That ended up being one of my favorite weeks. When Brian added the difference between king and man to women and got queen, my mind was blown. I'm still flabbergasted thinking about it now, it's absolutely crazy to me. I also found both the projects relatively easy to grasp and the results quite fascinating. Personally, I found it to be one of the best examples of the quickly closing gap between AI and human intelligence.

Next Steps

  1. Andrew Ng's Machine Learning Course
    • With an improved math understanding, I think this would be useful
  2. Kaggle competitions
    • Kelly and I have talked about trying this out
  3. Project with Kelly
    • Not sure what, but we will see
  4. AI based project
    • I have a few ideas, maybe I'll see if I can further explore natural language processing

*Kelly is my sister