Everyone loves to buy and sell stuff but we need a shop for that! In this project the goal is to build one the most common type of websites on the web: an online eCommerce web-application, where users can browse products, add them into a shopping cart, checkout items and make payments.
- how to create dynamic web pages in
, - how to use the
design pattern inJava
, - how to use the
templating engine.
As a Developer, I want to have a version-controlled project, where a webserver serves requests. So that I can start developing in a sandboxed environment.
- Given I start up my Java web-application server, when I open
in my browser, then ensure the server gives back an index page
- Given I start up my Java web-application server, when I open
As a User, I want to have an index page, where I can see the list of Products within a default Product Category, so that I can browse Products within that Category.
- Given I have Products and a default Product Category in the application when I open the root url (
) then ensure I can see a list of Products with the following details: product title, description, image, price
- Given I have Products and a default Product Category in the application when I open the root url (
As a User, I want to have an index page, where I can filter Products by Product Categories so that I can browse Products within any Category.
- Given I have Products and Product Categories listed on the index page when I click on a Category's title then ensure it displays the Products only in the selected Category
As a User, I want to have an index page, where I can filter Products by Suppliers so that I can browse Products by Suppliers too.
- Given I have Products and Suppliers listed on the index page when I click on a Supplier's name then ensure it displays the Products only for the selected Supplier
As a User, I want to have a Shopping Cart so that I can add products which I want to buy.
- Given I have a Product list and the Products have an "Add to cart" button when I click on the "Add to cart" button then ensure it creates a new Order for storing cart data of the User and ensure it creates a new LineItem with the quanity (default: 1) and price (the price of the Product) and ensure it stores this data on the server
- Given I have a Product list and the Products have an "Add to cart" button when I click on the "Add to cart" button then ensure the number of cart items is displayed in the Page header
As a User, I want to review my Shopping Cart so that I can review the items in my shopping cart before checking out so that I can see what I've already selected.
- Given I have a Shopping Cart with items in it when I click on the "Shopping cart" menu item in the Page header then ensure it displays the items (LineItems) with the following data: name of the Product, quantity, unit price / subtotal price
- Given I have a Shopping Cart with items in it when I click on the "Shopping cart" menu item in the Page header ensure the total price of all the items in the cart is displayed
As a User, I want to edit the items in my Shopping Cart so that I can modify the items when I change my mind - by changing quantity or removing items.
- Given I have a Shopping Cart review page and the LineItems are displayed in a form and the quantities are displayed in input fields when I change the quantity of an item then ensure it stores the new quantity of the LineItem
- Given I have a Shopping Cart review page and the LineItems are displayed in a form and the quantities are displayed in input fields when I change the quantity to 0 then ensure it removes the LineItem from the cart
As a User, I want to checkout the items from the Shopping Cart so that I can order the Products.
- Given I have a Shopping Cart review page when I click on the "Checkout" button then ensure it asks the following data from the User: Name, Email, Phone number, Billing Address (Country, City, Zipcode, Address), Shipping Address (Country, City, Zipcode, Address)
- Given I have a Shopping Cart review page when I click on the "Go to Payment" button then ensure Ensure that data on the checkout form are validated
- Given I have a Shopping Cart review page when I click on the "Go to Payment" button and data are validated successfully then ensure that data on the checkout form are stored in the Order
- Given I have a Shopping Cart review page when I click on the "Go to Payment" button and data are validated successfully then ensure that it redirects to the Payment page
As a User, I want to pay for my Products so that I can complete the payment online.
- Given I checked out the items from the Shopping cart then I can see the total price what I have to pay
- Given I checked out the items from the Shopping cart then I can choose from the following payment methods: credit card, paypal
- Given I checked out the items from the Shopping cart and chosen the payment method then based on the selected payment method I can enter the credentials for the payment provider: card number, card holder, expiry date, code (in case of credit card), username and password (in case of paypal)
As a User, I want to see the result of my payment so that I can get a confirmation about my Order.
- Given I made a payment and there was an error in the transaction then I can see the details of the error
- Given I made a payment and the transaction was successful then I can see the Confirmation page with the details of the Order
- Given I made a payment and the transaction was successful then then ensure it saves the Order into a
file - Given I made a payment and the transaction was successful then ensure it sends an email to the User about the Order
As an Admin, I want to have a logfile about the checkout processes (per Order) so that I can see the steps of every Order and investigate issues.
- Given the User started a checkout process then ensure it saves all the steps and details into a JSON file (where the filename is the Order ID and Date)
- Advanced OOP concepts are used in the project: inheritance, there is at least on abstract class, there is at least one interface implemented
- The project keeps the three-layer structure: servlets handle HTTP, service objects handle business logic, and DAOs handle data access.
- The page doesn't show a server error anytime during the review
- All code is pushed to GitHub repository by atomic commits. The implemented feature related commits managed on separated feature branches and merged by a pull request to the
- Do not use a database, now only use in-memory storage or file storage but through the DAO pattern (Data Access Object).
- It's not required to integrate real payment services - you can use fake payment implementations.