Hemlock Game Engine

Hemlock is a game engine developed as a project of learning, it is not expected to do everything, nor any particular thing particularly well. Where it does do things well, that's great though.


Building Hemlock is done via CMake, using Conan for package management where possible. Some dependencies may be provided by submodules, currently only libheatmap is provided in this manner.


On any platform, therefore, git, CMake and Conan must be installed. CMake version 3.22 is required at minimum right now.

There are included build options for instrumenting with Address/Thread/Memory Santitizers, as well as with the Gperf profiler. The former require nothing that meeting the C++20 requirement doesn't cover in choice of compiler versions, but instrumenting with the Gperf profiler requires:

  • extra/gperftools

It is also recommended to install:

  • extra/kcachegrind


Windows requires some version of the MSVC compiler that supports C++20. This can be obtained by, for example, installing the Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition IDE.