
Group project for CPSC-3310

Primary LanguagePython

Student Information System

A command-line interface (CLI) that enables Students and Instructors to perform various tasks.


This CLI is written in Python and communicates with a remote MySQL database. It has a MVC architecure aided by a simple Router that enables controllers to communicate with each other and display their views.

Usage (Mac)

First, clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/MatthewKosloski/student-information-system.git

Then, create a virtual environment for the project (make sure you're in the project's root directory):

$ virtualenv student-information-system

Start up the virtual environment (make sure you're in the project's root directory):

$ source bin/activate

Run the below command to install the packages found in requirements.txt:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Execute the script:

$ python app.py

Usage (Windows)

First, clone the repo to the desktop:

$ git clone https://github.com/MatthewKosloski/student-information-system

From the desktop, run the following command to create a virtual environment in the project folder:

$ py -m virtualenv student-information-system

Next, change directory to the project folder and activate the virtual environment:

$ source Scripts/activate

Then, install the requirements:

$ py -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, run the app:

$ py app.py

Installing Packages

If you install a package via Pip, please save it to requirements.txt like so:

$ pip freeze > requirements.txt

Committing changes to your branch

Once you're finished making changes in your branch, first add them to the staging area:

$ git add .

Next, commit them with a helpful message indicating your changes:

$ git commit -m "made changes"

Then, push changes to your branch:

$ git push origin <branch name>

I'll then make a pull request to merge your changes to the master branch.



Peewee doesn't support an ENUM type, so we must use integers instead.

The letter_grade column in the registration table takes the following integers:

  • 1 (A)
  • 2 (B)
  • 3 (C)
  • 4 (D)
  • 5 (F)

The meet_day column in the section table takes the following integers:

  • 1 (M)
  • 2 (T)
  • 3 (W)
  • 4 (R)
  • 5 (F)
  • 6 (MWF)
  • 7 (TR)

The type column in the section table takes the following integers:

  • 1 (lecture)
  • 2 (online)

The sex column takes the following integers:

  • 1 (male)
  • 2 (female)