
An overview of the DuckyScript 1.0 and FlipperZero extended Bad USB commands.

Comprehensive DuckyScript 1.0 and Flipper Zero Extended Commands Chart

This chart combines the standard DuckyScript 1.0 commands and the updated extended commands specific to the Flipper Zero platform. The Flipper Zero Bad USB functionality also goes by the name Bad KB for some firmwares due to its Bluetooth abilities. Programming for these is the exact same.

Command Syntax Description
REM REM [comment text] Adds comments; ignored during execution.
DELAY DELAY [time in ms] Pauses execution for specified time in milliseconds.
STRING STRING [text to type] Types a string as keyboard input.
STRINGLN STRINGLN [text to type] Types a string and adds a newline character at the end.
DEFAULT_DELAY / DEFAULTDELAY DEFAULT_DELAY [time in ms] Sets a default delay between commands.
STRINGDELAY / STRING_DELAY STRINGDELAY [time in ms] Sets a delay between each character in a string.
REPEAT REPEAT [times] Repeats the last command a specified number of times.
SYSRQ SYSRQ [Single character] Executes a command using the Magic SysRq key (Linux).
ALTCHAR ALTCHAR [Character code] Prints a single character using ALT+Numpad method (Windows).
ALTSTRING / ALTCODE ALTSTRING [Text string] Prints a text string using ALT+Numpad method (Windows).
HOLD HOLD [key] Holds down a specified key.
RELEASE RELEASE [key] Releases a specified key that was held down.
WAIT_FOR_BUTTON_PRESS WAIT_FOR_BUTTON_PRESS [button] Waits for a button press to continue execution.
GUI GUI [key] Represents the Windows key or Command key on Mac.
ALT ALT [key] Holds down the Alt key; can combine with other keys.
CTRL CONTROL [key] or CTRL [key] Holds down the Ctrl key; can combine with other keys.
SHIFT SHIFT [key] Holds down the Shift key; can combine with other keys.
DOWNARROW DOWNARROW Represents the Down Arrow key.
UPARROW UPARROW Represents the Up Arrow key.
LEFTARROW LEFTARROW Represents the Left Arrow key.
RIGHTARROW RIGHTARROW Represents the Right Arrow key.
ENTER ENTER Simulates the Enter key.
TAB TAB Simulates the Tab key.
ESCAPE ESCAPE or ESC Simulates the Escape key.
PRINTSCREEN PRINTSCREEN Simulates the Print Screen key.
DELETE DELETE Simulates the Delete key.
INSERT INSERT Simulates the Insert key.
SPACE SPACE Simulates the Spacebar key.
CAPSLOCK CAPSLOCK Toggles the Caps Lock key.
F1 to F12 F1 to F12 Represents the function keys.
BREAK BREAK or PAUSE Simulates the Break or Pause key.
NUMLOCK NUMLOCK Toggles the Num Lock key.
SCROLLLOCK SCROLLLOCK Toggles the Scroll Lock key.

Overview and Use

DuckyScript 1.0 Basic Commands

DuckyScript is a scripting language used for creating payloads for USB Rubber Ducky and similar devices. The basic syntax includes the following commands:

  • REM: Used for adding comments in the script. Anything following REM on the same line is ignored during execution.
  • DELAY: Pauses execution for a specified number of milliseconds.
  • STRING: Types out a string of characters as if typed on a keyboard.
  • REPLAY: Repeats the last command the specified number of times.

Refer to the original DuckyScript documentation for more details on these commands.

Flipper Zero Extended Commands

The Flipper Zero Bad USB functionality extends the DuckyScript 1.0 with additional commands to leverage its unique features:

Modifier Keys

These commands use various keyboard modifiers:


ALT+Numpad Input

For inputting characters using the ALT key and a code on the Numpad on Windows:

  • ALTCHAR: Prints a single character.
  • ALTSTRING / ALTCODE: Prints a text string using the ALT+Numpad method.

Magic SysRq Key

For Linux systems, to execute commands using the Magic SysRq Key:

  • SYSRQ: Executes a command using a single character with the SysRq key.


  • Scripts must be in .txt format.
  • Both \n and \r\n line endings are supported.
  • Empty lines and indentation using spaces or tabs are allowed.

Uploading and Executing Payloads on Flipper Zero

To use these scripts on Flipper Zero:

  1. Write the payload in a text editor and save it as a .txt file.
  2. Upload the script to your Flipper Zero using either qFlipper or Flipper Mobile App into the SD Card/badusb/ folder.
  3. On the Flipper Zero, navigate to Main Menu -> Bad USB.
  4. Select the payload and press OK.
  5. Connect the Flipper Zero to the computer via USB.
  6. Execute the payload.

Additional Information

  • The Flipper Zero acts as a BadUSB device, recognized as a Human Interface Device (HID).
  • It can execute extended Rubber Ducky script syntax compatible with classic USB Rubber Ducky 1.0 scripts.
  • Flipper Zero offers additional features like custom USB ID, ALT+Numpad input method, SYSRQ command, and more functional keys.

For further details, refer to the Flipper Zero documentation.

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