
A Dart code generator that converts Figma components to Flutter widgets.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Try it

Disclaimer : All of this is purely experimental and under active development (read why I started the project here). If I would have access to Figma rendering source code it would have been a lot easier and quicker (if a Figma employee read this and can share the algorithm, it would be awesome!), but be aware that all the rendering logic is reverse engineered, so you will experience a lot of inconsistencies! Moreover a few performance and rendering tests have created yet, so please share your experiences through issues.

The easiest way to start is the online tool.



Dynamic elements


Example: $checkmark

You can declare a node as dynamic by starting its name with $.

A <WidgetName>Data class is generated alonside the main class, with a property for each dynamic element.

Dynamic properties are exposed and depend on the node type :

  • NODE
    • isVisible: indicates whether the node and its children should be drawn.
  • TEXT
    • text : the content of the text node. The style is the style of the first declared character.

Directive (experimental)

All directives start with # and allow you to control the behavior of your components by integrating Flutter elements.

Disclaimer : widget positionning is not finished yet and may not be located as expected.



Example: #tap(onSelected)

Defines a rectangle as a tappable area (an InkWell) with a callback.

widget - NODE


Example: #widget(field)

Includes a widget at the node location.


Their is still a lot of work to do, here a quick roadmap of what I have in mind :

  • Drawing : reproducing Figma drawing logic
    • Fills
      • EMOJI
      • IMAGE
        • Scale Modes
          • FILL
          • FIT
          • TILE
          • STRETCH
    • Effects
      • LAYER_BLUR
    • Blend modes (At the moment, all is considered PASS_THROUGH/NORMAL)
    • Text rendering (Basic text styling is providing but hasn't tested enough)
    • Styles
  • Semantics : adding semantics items for accessibility.
  • Optimization : reducing the number of drawing operations
  • Widget includes (At the moment, widget location may be approximative and it is still experimental)
  • Build time generator : creating generators for updating widgets at build time (like built_value).
  • Unit tests : create automated tests for validating rendering by comparing a Figma export to an app screenshot.

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.