
[dev] Be a task list boss and always end the day with everything ticked off.

The UnlicenseUnlicense


✅ Be a task list boss and always end the day with everything ticked off.


✅ Do you hate ending the day with only half your tasks ticked off? You worked hard and did your best (maybe) but at the end there was still things left to do. You focus on what you didn't achieve and go to bed unhappy.

✅ taskcompleted turns that upside down and lets you record just the achievements of the day along with a reward. When you check your tasks at the end of the day they are all completed. What a great day, sleep well and wake refreshed ready for another day of completing things..

Keep It Silly Small

✅ Remember to keep you taskscompleted small. If you are working on a large project what task can be completed in the next 30 minutes or hour?


🏆 You can assign yourself rewards for completing tasks, these can be anything you want from a cup of tea, a walk on the beach or a new car. It's up to you to decide how you reward tasks.

🏆 You don't need to collect your rewards immediatly and can store them up.

🏆 Take your time when collecting rewards to think about the task you did.


⭐️ Tasks have a score based on the Difficulty * Time in minutes.


🔨 A self assigned value from 1 - Easy to 3 - Hard. This is not just the physical or mental difficulty of the task but also the lack of desire to even do it. Cleaning the oven is a diffculty level 3 for most people.

Track your activity

📈 Check your daily, weekly and monthly statistics. You'll quickly start finding tasks around the home or office just to get your totals up, it's addictive getting things done.