Flow API (Laravel) Developer Test

This is a test to review knowledge and understanding of basic API principles.

Click "use this template" and "create a new repository" in Github to get started



This is an API for a todo list application, but we've a couple issues we need to resolve. We have a test suite but some of the tests are failing:

  1. Tests\Feature\TodoListTest::test_todos_list_can_only_be_updated_by_owner
  2. Tests\Feature\TodoListTest::test_todos_list_can_only_be_deleted_by_owner
  3. Tests\Feature\TodoListTest::test_deleting_a_todo_list_deletes_all_todos
  4. Tests\Feature\TodoListTest::test_get_all_todo_lists
  5. Tests\Feature\TodoListTest::test_todo_lists_search
  6. Tests\Feature\TodoTest::test_update_todos_to_complete_updates_list_status
  7. Tests\Feature\TodoTest::test_adding_todo_to_complete_list_updates_list_status
  8. Tests\Feature\UserTest::test_user_register

And then secondly, some of the clients that are integrating into this often forget to include the correct headers, so then we're finding that they're being returned redirects and HTML when they hit a route thats unauthorised etc.

Can you please set this to only return JSON regardless of headers for all API routes? Can you also please add a test so we don't accidently run into this again.

Working Environment

Open in Gitpod or use your own development environment. If you open Gitpod and run ddev exec phpunit you should have the test suite run and see the fails.


There is a Postman test suite and enviroment, to use please point the baseUrl variable to the gitpod open port's address. eg change to https://8080-flowsa-laravelfailingte-7u06879adi0.ws-eu63.gitpod.io or whatever the 8080 public port domain is.

NB: This collection has been setup to test userflow so has been designed to run as a collection, individual tests may fail based on environment variables being set in previous tests.


Click "use this template" and "create a new repository" in Github and commit your work to this new repo. Please then update this Readme with details of how to get the application standing and or details of where this is staged if you are serving it yourself.

Please update the Postman Environment to match any variable criteria (eg, baseUrl etc)

Please remember to allow the Github users richardfrankza and pixelbaste to have access to this repo in order for us to review.

Good luck!