Phone Auth API

Simple API that validates incoming request using firebase phone authentication api and updates a Mongo database

Main features

Your task is to complete a simple movie management application by adding 4 main features:

  • Get the current user profile
  • Creating a new profile
  • update the name and email of the profile


  • each profile entity contains id, name, email, and phoneNumber fields. See typescript types in the types.ts file.
  • profile/dataAccess provides method to create, get, and insert into the db.
  • profile/services contains usecases for the profile entity
  • profile/controller accepts http request and responses to client


Follow these steps for correct application setup:

  1. npm install – install dependencies
  2. npm test – run all tests
  3. npm run db - connects database
  4. npm start:dev – serve the app at http://localhost:5000/ (you can check if it works by opening the http://localhost:5000/health in your browser or executing the curl http://localhost:8080/health in your terminal – {"status": "up"} shoule be printed).