
A python module to update the console without flashing.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Have you ever tried updating the console with text that changes multiple times a second? Remember how when you tried clearing the console with os.system calls it would make the console flash and make the text unreadable? I wrote this python module to prevent exactly that. Introducing...


A python module to update the console without flashing.


The consoledraw module can be installed using pip.

pip install consoledraw

If that doesn't work, try this instead.

pip install git+https://github.com/Matthias1590/ConsoleDraw.git

Or, if you want to, you can clone the repo and run the following commands.

python3 setup.py build
python3 setup.py install



from consoledraw import Console
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep

console = Console()

format = """
    ║ {} ║

while True:
    with console:
        console.print(format.format(datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), "%H:%M:%S")))


Demo GIF

with console:    
    console.print("Hello, world!")
    console.print("Another message!")

# is the same as


console.print("Hello, world!")
console.print("Another message!")



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Supported Operating Systems

The consoledraw module is supported on Windows, Linux and Mac.