
soilDB: Simplified Access to NCSS Soil Databases

Primary LanguageR

CRAN Version (Stable) GitHub Version (Development) R-CMD-check Build Status Total CRAN Downloads CRAN/METACRAN soilDB Manual


Get the stable version (2.6.10) from CRAN:

install.packages('soilDB', dependencies = TRUE)

Get the development version (2.6.10) from GitHub:

remotes::install_github("ncss-tech/soilDB", dependencies = FALSE, upgrade = FALSE, build = FALSE)



Dylan Beaudette, Jay Skovlin, Stephen Roecker and Andrew Brown (2021). soilDB: Soil Database Interface. R package version 2.6.10. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=soilDB

soilDB 2.6.10

Notices on Database Interfaces


  • all NASIS queries now use {DBI}, tested to work with {odbc} or {RSQLite} drivers; replacing {RODBC}
    • Install required R packages with install.packages(c("DBI","odbc","RSQLite"), dependencies = TRUE)
  • new methods for connecting to NASIS and querying NASIS data allow for dsn argument to specify a local “static” SQLite file containing NASIS tables.
    • Default argument dsn = NULL uses "nasis_local" ODBC connection to a local NASIS SQL Server instance

Soil Data Access (SDA)

  • SDA_query() returns a try-error for queries with invalid syntax or on network error; empty results are an empty data.frame()

  • SDA_spatialQuery() can return Soil Survey Area sapolygon data

  • fetchSDA_spatial() can return STATSGO gsmmupolygon or Soil Survey Area sapolygon data; and can join to the legend table

  • Added several new SDA query methods based on ssurgoOnDemand by Jason Nemecek and Chad Ferguson:

    • get_SDA_property(), get_SDA_interpretation(), get_SDA_muaggatt(), get_SDA_hydric(), get_SDA_pmgroupname(), get_SDA_coecoclass()

MS Access

  • AKSite, Montana RangeDB, and PedonPC 6.x get and fetch methods now use {DBI}+{odbc}

SoilWeb API

  • ISSR800.wcs() and mukey.wcs() now return a result that inherits from try-error (and a message) if the Web Coverage Service fails

Functions by Data Source

Miscellaneous Functions

Tutorials and Demonstrations

Related Packages

Dependency Graph