This page contains R codes and data related to the article :

Moreau, M.X., Saillour, Y., Cwetsch, A.W., Pierani, A. & Causeret, F. Single-cell transcriptomics of the early developing mouse cerebral cortex disentangles the spatial and temporal components of neuronal fate acquisition Development 15 July 2021; 148 (14): dev197962. (link to the original BioRxiv preprint)

Download raw and processed dataset

  • Raw count matrix has been in GEO (GSE161605) and can be dowloaded here

  • Sequencing reads are available on the ENA

  • Cells' metadata files in csv format can be retreived from this repository here

Links to main figures RMarkdown reports

Preprocessing analysis report

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 5
Figure 6 Figure 7

Links to supplementary figures RMarkdown reports

Figure S1A Figure S1B Figure S2 Figure S3
Figure S5 Figure S6 Figure S7

This page is directly inspired from @juliendelile's MouseSpinalCordAtlas repository