Learning Golang

Run a go program:

go run [path to *.go file] arguments


go run mult/mult.go 5

The run command cannot be used when passing the path to another *.go file as argument:

go run cat/cat.go mult/mult.go


Windows-Binary (exe):


default: pass by value

_ = unused var placeholder

*type => pointer &var => reference to var (*var) => de-reference var created by make() => pointer to data

Data types

:= initializes a variable with type inference:

x := 42
// <=>
var y int
y = 42

The default int type is platform dependent (int64 vs. int32).


A string is a byte list.
A rune represents a unicode character (can contain multiple bytes).

Backticks are used to assign multiline strings:

myString := `hello

len() returns the length in bytes:

lengthInBytes := len(myString)




Common operations:

  • len(map)
  • delete(map, “key”)
  • value, exists := map[“key”]

Iteration over map:

for key, value := range myMap {

Order of map iteration is random:


Array: [size]type{“a”, “b”}


A slice is a list of variable length.

Declaration: []type{}

  • slice := make(type, len, capacity)
  • newSlice = append(slice, “a”, “b”)
  • newSlice = slice[start : end]
    • end optional: slice[start:]
  • cap(slice), len(slice)
  • capacity is doubled when reached

for key, value := range list { } infinite: for { code; }

CLI parameters: os.Args Unfolding: slice...

Type Alias

Create a type alias:

type Foo string

Type Casting

Cast to compatible type:

casted, ok := value.(target type)

Type check language construct:

switch casted := value.(type) {
case string:
    //  casted of type string
case int:
    // casted of type int
    // any other type

ToDo: move the following section

finds possible problems: go vet .

Executed on import possible per file:

func init() {

Dependency Management?

godep -> Ende 2017

dependencies of current project and sub projects

go get ./... 


Types (and attributes) starting with uppercase letter are public:

type MyType struct {
    Value string

Types (and attributes) starting with lowercase character have package visibility:

type myType struct {
    value string


Running tests of sub package with verbose output:

go test -v github.com/matthimatiker/learning-golang/key-value-store

Improved assertions are available in the following package:


Generate test coverage from cover file:

go tool cover -html=cover.out

In an test, TestMain can be used to define setup and tear down for the whole test case:

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
    // setup

    // *all* tests are running here:
    returnCode := m.Run()

    // tear down


This construct is comparable to setUpClass and tearDownClass in PHPUnit.

Test setup/tearDown pattern:

setUp := func () (func ()) {
    return func () {
tearDown := setUp()
defer tearDown()


Error Handling

Handle panics:

defer func () {
    if p := recover(); p != nil {
        // handle panic
panic("oh no!")

Prevent errors with static code analyis:

go vet

Tool: errcheck (ToDo: find link)


Cast function to handler:

http.HandlerFunc(func (w http.Response, r http.Request) {



Number of items in channel:


Capacity (buffer size) of channel:


Read from channel:

value, exists := <- channel

Read all values from channel (channel must be closed):

for value := range channel {


Reading from channel blocks, if the channel was not closed.

Close channel:


Read from unclosed channel without blocking:

select {
case value := channel
    // Handle value
    // No value found

Read from any channel that has data:

select { case value := channelOne // Handle value from channel 1 case value := channelTwo // Handle value from channel 2 default: // No value found }

Read from channel with timeout:

select {
case value := channel
    // Handle value
case <- time.After(time.Second)
    // 1 second timeout reached


Import functions from package into current namespace by prefixing with dot:

import (
    . "net/http"

Anonymous import, loads the package and executes init functions:

 import (
     _ "my/package"

TODO: details: go generate to add build steps (seen in mocking chapter)

Dependency Management

Initializes dependency management:

go mod init github.com/Matthimatiker/learning-golang

This creates a go.mod file that lists dependencies and their versions.

Change the Go version of the project:

go mod edit -go=1.13