
Every report looks better in LaTeX!

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For a more details read my article here

Sankey Plot in Python

Two are the steps needed to create a R/tex report, a starter R script to create the final pdf, and a .Rnw file where all our code will be stored.

The starter script

The starter script has to do two basic functions:

  • Load and pass the Rnw file to the knit command of the knitr package. This process is called weaving. This will execute the R code and produce a series of files among which there’s a .tex file that we would normally use in texstudio.
  • Execute twice the .tex file in order to create the final PDF report
my.knit = knitr::knit("document.Rnw")
## document.tex is the latex file that will be compiled by the two following command:

system(paste0("pdflatex ", "document.tex")) 
system(paste0("pdflatex ", "document.tex")) 

By executing the file starter.R you will create the latex document.

I recommend to use the command:

R CMD BATCH starter.R

Alternatively you can copy/paste the three lines of code on the command line.

The command knit will create the file document.tex.

The Rnw file

The .Rnw (or Sweave) file is in essence a .tex file in which it is possible to insert blocks of R code.

The structure of the file follows the normal structure of a LaTeX work starting with the declaration of the document class but at any point in the code you can add R blocks of code.

Those are defined between two elements: a <<…>> in which the setting of the R code blocks are passed and a @, that defines its end.

\usepackage[headsep=1cm, headheight=2cm, hmargin=1.5cm, includefoot, footskip=20pt]{geometry}
\usepackage[colorlinks=true]{hyperref} % Hyperlinks
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Keep the underscore when cpy/pa
\cfoot{\thepage\ of \pageref*{LastPage}}

\title{Latex document generated in R}
\author{Mattia Cinell}

\maketitle % Create cover page
\tableofcontents % Table of content

\chapter{The Rnw file}
bla bla bla