Plugin for WooCommerce to interact with Evercate API. Very simple to use but pretty smart way of selling Evercate courses in Woo. Evercate
Install as any other plugin. Add the credentials you get from Evercate under Evercate+ settings in admin. (You can make a test call using email or id to see if you are connected to Evercate, check console in webtools)
In Evercate administration add a "tag" under Users / Hadle tags add a tag for each course or package etc. i.e "My package of 3 course" or "My course".
Under each course select the tag under Users / Handle user rules.
Thare are lot of ways to use tags in Evercate, so there might be other ways to explore. ;)
When creating a new WooCommerce-product, you will find Evercate-tab with settings for connecting the purchase to the corresponding kurs. The "user group" is more or less always the same when connected this way, so it's a read only var. The kurs-tagg is selected by clicking it in the input field (all courses should show up if connected correctly)
When purchaes of product, is done (ie payment_complete) the cource is added to the user in Evercate, (and a new user is added if it does not exist).
Settings under Evercate + in admin menu.
Adds product like any other WooCommerce product. Click the Evercate-tab and "Activate Evercate" Click the cource button you want to add Save product
Shops cource adds to basket, checksout.
When order is payed (woocommerce_payment_complete or woocommerce_order_status_completed, so either if payement is completed via payment solution, or when status is changed to completed) info is posted to Evercate to create user as stated above.
User is added to cource and can go on and learning cool and interesting stuff.
Only tested on one site, but should work on and WordPress / WooCommerce installation.