
Civilization Wars: Advanced is a turn based strategy game. Created as a team programming project as part of a second year computer science univeristy course.

Primary LanguageJava

#Civilization Wars - Advanced Civilization Wars: Advanced is a turn based strategy game. Created as a team programming project as part of The University of Birmingham second year computer science course.

##Gameplay alt text

The game requires players to build a base where they build their buildings and units and eventually defeat all of the other players that are not in their team. As it is a turn based game, each player has a number of things he can do during his turn, which include: create new buildings, spawn units, move units and more. It is important to be noted that in our game, when you create a new tank for example, that is not only one tank, but it represents a squad of tanks. Movement of units is limited and different types of units have different ranges.

There are also different cell terrains, each of which has buffs for units that are onto it. It is very easy to go around the map and there is also a mini map that is a real time representation of the map, which helps you to have a better view of the whole map at any time, but scaled to be fit in the bottom context bar. At the end of your turn, you receive a fixed amount of money and a new “game day” begins.

The game is really easy and fun to be played and if a player has difficulty in understanding the game rules, there is an instructions menu that will bring you the instructions screen, where everything that you are required to do as a player is described.

One of the features of our game is that it can be played in a local area network. When a player starts the game, besides single player option, he can choose whether to be a host of a game or join an already hosted game. Being a host, you get a screen with a chat area and a list of already connected users. The maximum of user connections is limited to four. Some of the benefits of being a host is that you can choose which map to play on and you have control over who is going to play in your game. You can kick already connected clients and decide when to start the game. When you join as a user to an already created game, you get in the lobby and wait until the game is full and the host starts the game. Instead of feeling bored, each player can chat with the others in the lobby. Once the start game button is pressed, the game starts on all clients.

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##Download You can download the final release version of the game from here.

##Team Members AlexBor


Luke Richardson


Robert Zlatarski