Sample Code

ITI-41: Provide And Register Document Set

// using XDSDotNet;
// using System.ServiceModel;
// using System.ServiceModel.Channels;

var documentContents = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4};
var provideAndRegisterDocumentSet = new ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet_ITI41(
	"Document Name", 
	"mime/type", documentContents

provideAndRegisterDocumentSet.AddSubmissionSetClassification(new XDSClassification { 
	NodeRepresentation = "...", 
	Name = "..."

// ... add all required document classifications
provideAndRegisterDocumentSet.AddDocumentClassification(new XDSClassification {
	NodeRepresentation = "...",
	Name = "..."

// ... add slots
provideAndRegisterDocumentSet.AddDocumentSlot(new XDSSlot {
	Name = "creationTime",
	Value = "..."

// ... set authorPerson
provideAndRegisterDocumentSet.AuthorPerson = (new XCN { FirstName = "...", LastName = "..." }).Serialize();

// ... and optionally authorInstitutions
provideAndRegisterDocumentSet.AuthorInstitutions = new[] { (new XON { InstitutionName = "..."}).Serialize() };

// the soap request body, ready for execution
var requestBody = provideAndRegisterDocumentSet.CreateRequestBody();
var requestMessage = Message.CreateMessage(MessageVersion.Soap12WSAddressing10, "urn:ihe:iti:2007:ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet-b", requestBody);

// create WCF channel
var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetITI41>("wcf endpoint configuration name");
var channel = channelFactory.CreateChannel();

// execute web service call
var response = channel.ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet(requestMessage);
var responseBody = XElement.ReadFrom(response.GetReaderAtBodyContents());