
API and front-end to control a custom RPi sous vide. Excuse to learn Golang.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



An all-in-one application to run my (your?) Raspberry Pi-based Sous Vide cooker. A PID controller simple polling routine to maintain temperature, REST services to control state, target temperature, sensors, etc. and a pretty front-end to consume said services. From a hardware standpoint, I was able to find some outstanding resources online to get to a point where I can read temp from a DS18B20 "1-Wire" Temperature Sensor and control an RF power outlet. As a bonus, I had an excuse to buy and play with a soldering iron, so I've already seen a considerable return on the time commitment thus far. I know that's not much to go off of - I'll put together an .io page with some more details on how to turn your $35 Pi into a mean water bath cooking machine once I've got the software in a good state.


Yeah, I know Anova already makes a great Sous Vide. It has a nice mobile app, it has bluetooth/wifi, and it's pretty. But cooking delicious meats is only a secondary goal of this project. I have at least a few other neglected items on my dusty TODO list of personal projects, coincidentally sitting right next to that line item to use the Raspberry Pi that I got for Christmas last year:

  • Lots of neglected TODO's
  • Learn Clojure See ClojousVide for a rundown of that project, and why I switched to Golang
  • Learn Golang
  • Learn ReactJS
  • Use Raspberry Pi
  • Lots of neglected TODO's

So, I thought, why not kill 2 (3?) birds with one stone and incorporate several into a single project?


This is a work in progress, but here's the plan:

  • Go Components
  • PID Controller - I initially created a time-centric PID controller in Clojure using Stian Eikeland's excellent blog post for inspiration. But I soon realized that, given my hardware setup, binary heater control, and the high heat capacity of water, I could create a simple ticked poll mechanism that compared the current temperature to target and turned the heaters on / off accordingly. Not nearly as fun as creating a PID controller, but simple and has worked just fine for me.
  • Go Routines to poll temperature, run a program to maintain a target temperature
  • Embedded BoltDB Datasource to persist temperature history, heater history, programs and recipes.
  • REST Services to allow complete control and visibility over HTTP, using Gorilla's Mux router for convenience
  • Front-End Components
  • A ReactJS/Redux front-end to consume the REST services and provide a UI for controlling and tracking the Sous Vide.
  • A datavis library integrated with ReactJS to chart temperature history, heater history, etc. with pretty visuals

Getting Started

Hardware & Material Prereqs


Building the Sous Vide


Running Gous-Vide