
This is a Yelp search app using the Yelp API.

Time spent: 15



  • Search results page
    • Table rows should be dynamic height according to the content height
    • Custom cells should have the proper Auto Layout constraints
    • Search bar should be in the navigation bar (doesn't have to expand to show location like the real Yelp app does).
  • Filter page. Unfortunately, not all the filters are supported in the Yelp API.
    • The filters you should actually have are: category, sort (best match, distance, highest rated), radius (meters), deals (on/off).
    • The filters table should be organized into sections as in the mock.
    • You can use the default UISwitch for on/off states. Optional: implement a custom switch
    • Clicking on the "Search" button should dismiss the filters page and trigger the search w/ the new filter settings.
    • Display some of the available Yelp categories (choose any 3-4 that you want).


  • Search results page
    • Infinite scroll for restaurant results
    • Implement map view of restaurant results
  • Filter page
  • Implement the restaurant detail page.


It may not have been necessary, but I spent a couple hours fixing the Podfile so that you can just run 'pod install' and it'll work out of the box (as there's some compatibility issues with AFNetworking on the BDBOAuth1Manager pod).

Known issues

I keep running into a malloc_error_break, and I'm not sure where it's coming from. Still debugging this.


Video Walkthrough
