Welcome to the GitHub repo for the mattstech.info website hosted by GitHub pages. The whole setup has been open-sourced so you can have a look around, see how I've built things and how you can replicate it. You are free to copy work or even duplicate all content for your own safekeeping.
This website is based on Jekyll and uses markdown to generate static HTML pages without any form of back-end. Essentially Jekyll is the bare-bones engine where normally I would use (for example) Wordpress. The reason I've switched to using Jekyll with GitHub Pages is the simplicity, open-source nature and speed. For more information please see the Jekyll foundation documentation Jekyll Docs on how to run your own installation.
As you can see on the top left of this repository, this has all been generated from an awesome project by cotes2020. Which doesn't just generate all the code using Jekyll, it's a fully fledged theme with additional functionality. The theme fits my purposes and cotes2020 made it extremely easy to get started for yourself. If you want to give it a try, please see the theme's docs or jump right in and generate your own Jekyll site with the Chirpy theme with a few simple steps chirpy-starter.
This theme (Chirpy) and work by cotes2020 is published under the MIT License.
All additions and alterations to the code by me (Matts Bos) for Jekyll functionality are published under the MIT License.
All written and graphical content in/on blog posts, tutorials and pages (found in files ending with .md) by me (Matts Bos) are published under the Creative Commons Attrubution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) License.
The Matts Tech Info name and logo's are ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This means you are only allowed to fork this project including the name and logo's on GitHub. Any other action regarding the name and logo's is strictly forbidden.