
Topographic Pooling, NeurIPS 2023, AI for Drug Discovery and Development

Primary LanguagePython

Topographic Pooling

This repo contains the code and data for the following paper:

  • TopoPool: An Adaptive Graph Pooling Layer for Extracting Molecular and Protein Substructures. Thieme, et al., NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on New Frontiers of AI for Drug Discovery and Development (AI4D3 2023) [PDF]


To setup the conda environment for the training, run:

$: bash setup.sh


Running the following will initiate the full benchmarking script:

$: python benchmarker.py

Topographic Pooling at a glance

This is a max-region pooling operation.

Graph pooling methods implement the following broad structure (Grattarola, 2021):

  • Select: using some thresholding mechanism, select a subset of nodes
  • Reduce: aggregate the selected nodes
  • Connect: produce a new connectivity structure between the aggregated representations

Here, we propose a chemistry-inspired Select operation that respects the following fact:

  • A molecules' bioactivity is often heavily influenced by the discrete, contiguous substructures (functional groups, etc) from which it is composed.

Intuitively, the proposed algorithm operates as follows:

  1. Transform node features, $x_i \in \mathbb{R}^F$, into contextualized node representations, $h_i \in \mathbb{R}^d$, using a standard GNN.
  2. Using a dense scoring-layer, $S_{\theta}(\cdot)$, generate scalar-valued scores $s_i = S_{\theta}(h_i) \in \mathbb{R}^1, s_i \geq 0$ for each node (atom).
  3. We now think of the scores + connectivity structure as defining a topography or contour map, like a mountain range, over the graph.
  4. Beginning from the node $i$ with the highest score, we descend down all possible paths, defined by the connectivity structure, until we reach the bottom of a valley (any valley, where the next neighbor's score is higher than the current node's).
  5. Each node reached using this procedure - descending from node with the maximum score - is assigned to one cluster
  6. Using the remaining, unassigned nodes, we repeat the above process until all nodes have been assigned to a cluster. See Figure \ref{flow}.


  • This implicitly ensures that the pooling operation chooses contiguous subgraphs.
  • Principled approach for bounding clusters: obviates the need for a pooling `threshold' as it uses the naturally imposed *topographic structure (score values + connectivity) of the graph.
  • Allows the model to learn an arbitrary number of clusters of arbitrary size, obviating the need to define the maximum number of clusters.
  • Parallelizable, works over the batch dimension for batched graphs.