
Simple Squad Rcon Client

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Simple SquadRcon Client by Mattt(or),
Simple SquadRcon Client (with fail over) by Mattt(or),
Simple SquadRcon Client (forSquadJS) by Mattt(or),

Welcome, this is intended specifically for OWI-Squad's flavour of Rcon Server

install node.js
no other dependenices.

Simple SquadRcon Client
Basic Implementation;
| line 69: edit port( port ), host( ip ), token( password ). ((for local connections use ip "localhost")).
| line 79: set keep alive interval ( 60000 = 1 minute ).

to run enter `node rcon.js` into console
Will write 'list query responses' to console text and 'sevrer feed' to console as warning text.
There is ZERO error checking - this is intentional!
!!! LINE 38: UNSAFE value ( >= 4 ) - this allows the buffer to potentially be read outside of a message, this is to make us more likely to find edge case errors. For SAFE operation value must be ( >= 7 ) !!!

line 12: size and id are not important, this is the hard coded 'made up' packet, no point in converting into it each time it arrives later.
line 15: 2147483647 used as flag when debugging only.
line 19: id defaults to non zero for easier debugging must be a valid positive signed 32bit value, 2 less than range max.
line 21: id + 2 allows for easier debugging plus sets up for way to avoid need to parse later, ie sudo id 33 = "current map" => read from index x to end"
line 47: is special packet? long if statement but efficient.
line 58: long messages re-assembled and sent out from here.

Simple SquadRcon Client (with fail over)

rconWithFailover.js uncomment packetbreaker() to make 'random' bad packets 

Packet checks are;
is Special packet?
has valid size value? <= rcon spec is max 4096, Squad ignores this, using 8192 is ok for now using too large a value may result in loop as data can never fill to active a decode.
is long enough to be complete?
ends with 'null, null'?
ID is positive 32bit sInt?
Type is either 0,1,2 or 3?

if out going text is found to contain "�", this also counts as a bad packet.

Simple SquadRcon Client (forSquadJS)

working draft, intended as straight swap for squadJS/core/rcon.js
Fixes buffer overflow bug etc.
Comment/swap Logger(s) and uncomment squadJsStyle() to run as stand alone test.

/* A Micro Demo in the style of SquadJS */
const squadJsStyle = async () => {
  const getCurrentMap = async () => {
    const response = await rcon.execute("ShowCurrentMap");
    const match = response.match(/^Current level is (?<level>.+), layer is (?<layer>.+)/);
    return [match.groups.level, match.groups.layer];
  const rcon = new Rcon({ port: "00000", host: "", password: "password" });
  setTimeout(() => rcon.disconnect(), 10000);
  await rcon.connect();
  const layers = await getCurrentMap();

Simple SquadRcon w Pass-through (forSquadJS)

to use with SquadJS, as per above, renane to `rcon.js`, replace SquadJS/core/rcon.js add `"passThrough": true,` to rcon options json.
ie { "passThrough": true, "host": "ip", "port": "1234", "password": "pw" }

Possible options:
"passThrough": true,
"passThroughPort": 1234,
"passThroughTimeOut": 30000,
"passThroughMaxClients": 10,
"passThroughChallenge": "password"

/* A Micro Demo in the style of SquadJS */
//Comment out line: `import Logger from "./logger.js";`
//Set rcon options

const Logger = {
  level: 1,
  verbose(type, lvl, msg, msg1 = "") {
    if (lvl > this.level) return;
    console.log(type, lvl, msg, msg1);
const squadJsStyle = async () => {
  const getCurrentMap = async () => {
    const response = await rcon.execute("ShowCurrentMap");
    const match = response.match(/^Current level is (?<level>.+), layer is (?<layer>.+)/);
    return [match.groups.level, match.groups.layer];
  const rcon = new Rcon({ port: "2114", host: "", password: "password", passThrough: true, passThroughPort: "8126", passThroughTimeOut: 30000, passThroughChallenge: "password" }); // <-- SET THESE OPTIONs for demo
  try {
    await rcon.connect();
  } catch (e) {
  rcon.interval = setInterval(async () => {
    try {
      const currentMap = await getCurrentMap();
    } catch (e) {
  }, 5000);