Simple SquadRcon Client by Mattt(or), Simple SquadRcon Client (with fail over) by Mattt(or), Simple SquadRcon Client (forSquadJS) by Mattt(or), Welcome, this is intended specifically for OWI-Squad's flavour of Rcon Server install node.js no other dependenices. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Simple SquadRcon Client Basic Implementation; | line 69: edit port( port ), host( ip ), token( password ). ((for local connections use ip "localhost")). | line 79: set keep alive interval ( 60000 = 1 minute ). to run enter `node rcon.js` into console Will write 'list query responses' to console text and 'sevrer feed' to console as warning text. There is ZERO error checking - this is intentional! !!! LINE 38: UNSAFE value ( >= 4 ) - this allows the buffer to potentially be read outside of a message, this is to make us more likely to find edge case errors. For SAFE operation value must be ( >= 7 ) !!! line 12: size and id are not important, this is the hard coded 'made up' packet, no point in converting into it each time it arrives later. line 15: 2147483647 used as flag when debugging only. line 19: id defaults to non zero for easier debugging must be a valid positive signed 32bit value, 2 less than range max. line 21: id + 2 allows for easier debugging plus sets up for way to avoid need to parse later, ie sudo id 33 = "current map" => read from index x to end" line 47: is special packet? long if statement but efficient. line 58: long messages re-assembled and sent out from here. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Simple SquadRcon Client (with fail over) rconWithFailover.js uncomment packetbreaker() to make 'random' bad packets Packet checks are; is Special packet? has valid size value? <= rcon spec is max 4096, Squad ignores this, using 8192 is ok for now using too large a value may result in loop as data can never fill to active a decode. is long enough to be complete? ends with 'null, null'? ID is positive 32bit sInt? Type is either 0,1,2 or 3? if out going text is found to contain "�", this also counts as a bad packet. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Simple SquadRcon Client (forSquadJS) rconforSquadJS.js working draft, intended as straight swap for squadJS/core/rcon.js Fixes buffer overflow bug etc. Comment/swap Logger(s) and uncomment squadJsStyle() to run as stand alone test. /* A Micro Demo in the style of SquadJS */ /* const squadJsStyle = async () => { const getCurrentMap = async () => { const response = await rcon.execute("ShowCurrentMap"); const match = response.match(/^Current level is (?<level>.+), layer is (?<layer>.+)/); return [match.groups.level, match.groups.layer]; }; const rcon = new Rcon({ port: "00000", host: "", password: "password" }); setTimeout(() => rcon.disconnect(), 10000); await rcon.connect(); const layers = await getCurrentMap(); console.log(layers); }; squadJsStyle(); */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Simple SquadRcon w Pass-through (forSquadJS) rconPassThroughSqJS.js to use with SquadJS, as per above, renane to `rcon.js`, replace SquadJS/core/rcon.js add `"passThrough": true,` to rcon options json. ie { "passThrough": true, "host": "ip", "port": "1234", "password": "pw" } Possible options: "passThrough": true, "passThroughPort": 1234, "passThroughTimeOut": 30000, "passThroughMaxClients": 10, "passThroughChallenge": "password" /* A Micro Demo in the style of SquadJS */ //Comment out line: `import Logger from "./logger.js";` //Set rcon options const Logger = { level: 1, verbose(type, lvl, msg, msg1 = "") { if (lvl > this.level) return; console.log(type, lvl, msg, msg1); }, }; const squadJsStyle = async () => { const getCurrentMap = async () => { const response = await rcon.execute("ShowCurrentMap"); const match = response.match(/^Current level is (?<level>.+), layer is (?<layer>.+)/); return [match.groups.level, match.groups.layer]; }; const rcon = new Rcon({ port: "2114", host: "", password: "password", passThrough: true, passThroughPort: "8126", passThroughTimeOut: 30000, passThroughChallenge: "password" }); // <-- SET THESE OPTIONs for demo try { await rcon.connect(); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } rcon.interval = setInterval(async () => { try { const currentMap = await getCurrentMap(); console.log(currentMap); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } }, 5000); }; squadJsStyle();