BettyLabs Takehome

The purpose of this exercise is to give you a practical test of your ability to write some client and server functionality,
and also testing your ability to understand one of our main pain-points, Push Notifications

The project should take around 3-4 hours, please let us know if you have concerns about the timeframe

So here’s the outline for the exercise:

  • Subscribe an iOS app to multiple Push Notification channels
  • Client will also be able to send requests to a webserver to create Push Notifications, which the same Client will in turn receive
  • Write a webserver with:
    • an endpoint that emits push notifications on a channel

NOTE: In order to keep your push notification channels unique, please add YOURNAME as a suffix to the notification channels

Example App Flow:

  1. Have two UISwitches for channels, “announcements-YOURNAME”, “game-xyz-YOURNAME”.  Toggle “announcements-YOURNAME” ON, and "game-xyz-YOURNAME" OFF
  2. In the fields to create a Push Notification, you type “announcements” into the channel field, “Hello” and “World” into the title and body fields
  3. Pushing a Send button sends a request to the Webserver
  4. Webserver emits Push Notification on channel “announcements-YOURNAME"
  5. Client Receives Push Notification

  1. Update Channel field to say “game-xyz-YOURNAME” instead of “announcements-YOURNAME”, and send again
  2. Webserver emits Push Notifications to the channel “game-xyz-YOURNAME”
  3. Client receives nothing, because it’s not subscribed to “game-xyz-YOURNAME"


  1. Download Repo, the Client Package Manager is CocoaPods, but the packages are being tracked on the repo so you will not need to install
  2. Update all instances of "announcements-YOURNAME" and "game-xyz-YOURNAME", so that your notifications won't overlap with other candidates
  3. The Server Package Manager is npm, so you'll need to cd to ./Server, npm install, npm run build, npm run start
  4. In Client, go to APIManager.swift, and update serviceURL with your machine's name
  5. Run the app, press Send button, and you should see requests coming into your server


  • I have added you as a developer in our AppStore Organization so that you can build to a phone, and so the Push Notifications can be registered properly
  • I have added you as a collaborator in OneSignal,
    • After you've built the client, you should see your phone in All Users; you can add yourself as a Test User so that you can test sending notifications directly to your phone


Typescript + Express: Publishing Notifications: