Test app for XPC on macOS

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Sample App for XPC (an API for Inter-Process Communication in macOS)


Whenever you want to rebuild the daemon, you have to unload it from launchd. Use these bash commands:

 👉  sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.techsmith.snagitendpointdaemon.plist
 👉  sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.techsmith.snagitendpointdaemon            
 👉  sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.techsmith.snagitendpointdaemon.plist         

This is because once the daemon is loaded into launchd, it apparently isn't overwritten even if you re-build it, and try to load it with SMJobBless. So unloading it is the only way you can reload the new binaries

NOTE: It is mandatory to run the python script before running the app and daemon.