
Searches through raw metagenomes to find sequences that are are most likely coding sequences. These sequences can then be run through NCBI Blast with very liberal settings and any sequences that do not return a hit are dark matter that is very likely to be functional. Created in IntelliJ. SSRs are removed using GMATo coded in Perl.

Primary LanguagePerl


Latest DarkMatterMiner program. Replaced DarkMatterMiner0.6. Searches through metagenomes for evidence of biological activity. Used in the search for Dark Matter sequences that are potentially biologically active. This program reduced the dataset drastically into a subset of promising sequences. Requires both Perl and Java to run. Gui only - so far. To run download whole folder and run DarkMatterMiner1.0_jar.jar. Ensure .pl files are within the same folder as the .jar file. Place location of folder containing sequences to be analysed into Input/output folder bar.