
Open source template for Kotlin multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform. Navigation, UI, DI, offline cache, multiplatform localization and resources. All of this is setup. This is a version of AppKickstarter.com with very limited features but yet useful setup.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Welcome to KMPStarterOS, a minimalist but yet useful open source version of AppKickstarter

If you just need to support android and ios with no backend requirement (just offline data) and no need for in app purchases or fancy features like auth and onboarding then you are on the right place and this open source template is good for you.

Otherwise, if you need more capabilities please check out our premium template AppKickstarter which is on the same stack but with a lot more of content.


Platform supported for KMPStarterOS

  • Android
  • iOS


  • Shared KMM library
  • Android app
  • iOS app

Libraries already configured


  • SwiftUI for iOS UI


  • Jetpack Compose for Android UI
  • Android workmanager
  • Android Compose navigation
  • Accompanist (systemuicontroller, permissions)


  • Compose multiplatform for shared UI
  • Multiplatform localization (Moko resources)
  • Multiplatform logging (Napier)
  • Multiplatform dependency injection (Koin)
  • Multiplatform database (SqlDelight)
  • Multiplatform key-value storage (russhwolf:multiplatform-settings)
  • Multiplatform dates (Kotlinx-datetime)
  • Multiplatform http client (Ktor)
  • Multiplatform navigation (Voyager)