A Flink application project using Scala and SBT.
Job Description:
- Load the attached headerless CSV (column separated value) file. (resources/data.csv)
- Each line has 2 values, a letter (A-F), and a number.
- For each letter sort the number in ascending order.
- For each letter dump the data into a separate file.
- Scala version 2.12.11
- Flink version 1.12.1
- Sbt version 1.3.13
You can set a program argument to change the root output path, otherwise ./output.
flink run -c org.example.FileProcessor /path/to/Flink Project-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar "/path/to/default/output"
You can also run your application from within IntelliJ:
select the classpath of the 'mainRunner' module in the run/debug configurations.
Simply open 'Run -> Edit configurations...' and then select 'mainRunner' from the "Use classpath of module" dropbox.
Note- the data samples are under the resources folder
After the execution will be created the following output folder: