
React Native NFC module for both Android & iOS

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Bring NFC feature to React Native. Inspired by phonegap-nfc and react-native-ble-manager

Contributions are welcomed!

Supported Platforms

  • Android (API 10+)
  • iOS (iOS11 with iPhone 7/7+, 8/8+)

Some Words about iOS Support

You will need to setup some capabilities / entitlement / plist stuff to enable NFC development on your device, please follow this great tutorial:


npm i --save react-native-nfc-manager

Link Native Library with react-native link

react-native link react-native-nfc-manager


Look into example/App.js as a starting point.

The easiest way to test is simple make your AppRegistry point to our example component, like this:

// in your index.ios.js or index.android.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import App from 'react-native-nfc-manager/example/App'

AppRegistry.registerComponent('NfcManagerDev', () => App);


This library provide a default export NfcManager and a named export NdefParser, like this:

import NfcManager, {NdefParser} from 'react-native-nfc-manager'

All methods in NfcManager return a Promise object and are resolved to different types of data according to individual API.

NdefParser is an utility class to parse some well-known NDEF format, currently only support RTD URI.

NfcManager API


Init the module.


  • onSessionClosedIOS - function - [iOS only] the callback to invoke when an NFCNDEFReaderSession becomes invalidated


    onSessionClosedIOS: () => {
        console.log('ios session closed');
    .then(result => {
        console.log('start OK', result);
    .catch(error => {
        console.warn('start fail', error);
        this.setState({supported: false});

isEnabled() [Android only]

Check if the NFC is enabled. Returned Promise resolved to a boolean value to indicate whether NFC is enabled.

goToNfcSetting() [Android only]

Direct the user to NFC setting.

getLaunchTagEvent() [Android only]

Get the NFC tag object which launches the app. Returned Promise resolved to the NFC tag object launching the app and resolved to null if the app isn't launched by NFC tag.


Start to listen to ANY NFC tags.


  • listener - function - the callback when discovering NFC tags


NfcManager.registerTagEvent(tag => {
    console.log('Tag Discovered', tag);


Stop listening to NFC tags.

NdefParser API


Try to parse uri from a NdefMessage, return an object with an uri property.


  • ndef - object - this object should be obtained from nfc tag object with this form: tag.ndefMessage[0]. (NFC tag object can be obtained by getLaunchTagEvent or registerTagEvent)


let {uri} = NdefParser.parseUri(sampleTag.ndefMessage[0]);
console.log('parseUri: ' + uri);