
AB testing framework for native apps of iOS.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


AB testing framework for native apps of iOS.



  • iOS 5.0 and later


Using CocoaPods

Add below to your Podsfile.

pod "Jails"

Manual installation

  1. Open project on Xcode.
  2. Select scheme Jails > iOS Device then Project > Build.
  3. Select scheme Jails > iPhone 5.0 Simulator then Project > Build.
  4. Copy built libJails.a and Jails.h from Release-universal or Debug-universal into your project.
  5. Add -ObjC -all_load to Other Linker Flags of Build Setting.

Sample Code

// AppDelegate.m

#import "Jails.h"

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    [Jails breakWithConfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://your.domain.com/path/to/conf/jails.json"]];


{"ClassNameOfViewController": [
  { "ratio": 0 },   // A: 0%
  { "ratio": 100,   // B: 100%
    "branchName": "b",
    "properties": [{
      "name": "scrollView",
      "frame": ["+0", "+44", "+0", "-44"]
      "name": "view",
      "createSubviews": [{
        "class": "UIButton",
        "background": "http://button/image.png",
        "frame": ["0", "0", "320", "44"],
        "action": "http://open/this/url/"
Key required Description
ClassNameOfViewController o This class name can be changed. You can specified subclasses of UIViewController or UIView.
ratio o Percentage for A/B test.
branchName - You can use this name as parameter for your analytics tools.
properties - You can change each properties with specified name.
Key for properties or createSubviews required Description
name o variable name as a property
background - If you specified as URL of image, draw as pattern tile. Or, draw color if you specified HEX color code.
frame - UIView's frame for iOS. You can specify relatively position.
text - For UILabel: changing labes's text. For UIButton: change buttons title. For UIWebView: change html contents.
action - For UIWebView: you can specify URL for HTML contetnts. For UIButton: you can specify URL for to call openURL:, or selector for addTarget:action:forControlEvents:
hidden - Change visibility of UI perts.
createSubview - You can use this param for original properties. So you cannot build tree hierarchy.
