
Meta U Web Track Capstone Project.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Meta U Web Track Capstone Project. User Stories

Project Plan

Table of contents
User Roles
User Personas
User Stories

I want to learn an specific technology

Problems someone may face:

  • Don't know where to start
  • A lot of content
  • After watching basic tutorials, you don't know what to do next (tutorial hell)

User Roles

Software Engineer: Someone that wants to learn new technologies in an organized way and without getting stuck on tutorial hell

User Personas

Software Engineer Student: Someone that is starting in tech and wants to learn a lot of new technologies. He doesn't know where to start, as there is a lot of content everywhere, some of them good, and some of them bad. Also this user feels that after watching a few videos, he forgets everything he learned. The main motivation of using this app is that he would be able to have an organized way of learning, and he will not be stucked on tutorial hell

Visual Learner: Someone that likes to watch videos to learn about something new, he doesn't like to read that much. This person thinks that is better to follow what other people do. Also, it still believes that documentation is a good way to learn about new stuff.

Reading Learner: Someone that loves to read. This person always tries to dig into the documentation first before watching any type of video.

User Stories

    1. As a Software Engineer Student, I want to be able to register, so that I can save my progress and access it accross multiple devices.
    1. As a Software Engineer Student, I want to have a dashboard where I can see the progress of my multiple courses.
    1. As a Software Engineer Student, I want to add new learning courses with ease, so that I can focus more in the content.
    1. As a Software Engineer Student, I want to have topic recommendations so I can decide which new technology and want to learn.
    1. As a Software Engineer Student, I want to track my progress of my courses, so I see how far away I'm from finish the course.
    1. As a Software Engineer Student, I want to be able to divide the courses into 3 different sections: Begineer, Intermideate and Advanced, so that I have an organized way of learning.
    1. As a visual learner, I want to have more video tutorials than written content, so that I can learn faster.
    1. As a visual learner, I want to get good video recommendations that are relevant to this age, so that I don't waste time learning legacy technologies.
    1. As a reading learner, I want to have more written content than video tutorials, so that I can learn faster.


HHTP Verb Name Description User Stories
POST users Creates new user account 1
GET users/me Gets current user information 1
PUT users/me Updates current user information (like visual/reading preference) 3, 7, 9
POST courses Creates a new course 3
GET courses/me Gets the courses the user is enrolled 2, 4
DELETE courses/:courseId Deletes a course based on the ID 3
GET resources/:resourceId Gets a resource based on the id 5, 6
PUT resources/updateStatus/:resourceId Changes the status of a resource 5
GET resources/byCourse/:courseId Gets all resources from an specific course based on the courseId 5, 8
POST resources/feedback/:resourceId Adds feedback to an specific resources (wheter it was useful or not) 5, 8



Column Name Type Description
id integer primary key
name text user name
preference 'reader', 'visual' wheter the user prefers to read documentation or watch videos
email text user email
passowrd text hashed password
token text password reset token
createdAt date date the account was created


Column Name Type Description
id integer primary key
name text course name


Column Name Type Description
id integer primary key
type 'video', 'website' resource type that will display in the frontend
status 'not started', 'in progress', 'completed' resource status
url text url that will redirect the user when clicking on it
level 1, 2, 3 what difficulty that resource corresponds in (1: beginner, 2: medium, 3: advanced)
feedback integer wheter the users think this resource is useful or not (ranking system)


Column Name Type Description
id_user integer user id
id_course integer course id


Column Name Type Description
id_course integer course id
id_resource integer resource id


Column Name Type Description
id_user integer user id
id_following integer user id that the user is follwing