WARNING: DO NOT USE install.sh. It is currently BROKEN and will DELETE your existing configs.
These dotfiles are a heavily modified version of the ML4W dotfiles.
They aim to make configuration more streamlined and direct (I find this easier to manage). Furthermore, it removes / changes stuff I don't need / like.
- WM: Hyprland
- Shell: zsh
- Prompt: powerlevel10k
- Terminal: kitty
- Bar: waybar
- Notifications: dunst
- Editor: micro, Sublime Text
- Login Manager: SDDM
- Launch Menus: wofi
- Colorschemes: pywal, custom
- File Manager: Thunar, ranger
- Browser: Firefox
- Screenshots: hyprshot
Why two text editors? I use micro for very small file edits, usually config files. Sublime Text however is for bigger projects where I also require proper syntax highlighting and autosuggestions.
Although I am waiting for Zed to be ported to Linux, as I really love what I've seen of it so far.
"Why not neovim, it's literally so much better!!" I have tried it out, and can't really wrap my head around the keybindings and just very different way of doing things. Maybe I'll give it another shot sometime, but currently I don't see myself using it.
Why two file managers? Ranger is really great, but for example when I need move files around I have a much better time with Thunar. Though, Ranger is especially neat when navigating fast and just editing text files (mostly configs).
Maulve (2024)