
Starterkit for OpenAI chat client based on your own content. Main ingredients:


The following commands are using my-namespace as set in config.ts and ingest content from the reactjs/react.dev repository. By all means, you're encouraged to change them to something more original.

Prepare db

Create a Supabase account if you don't have one already.

The following command does not actually do anything. Instead, it gives you an all-batteries-included SQL query to run in your Supabase project area's SQL Editor:

npx 7d supabase-create-table --namespace my-namespace


npx 7d ingest \
  --source github \
  --repo reactjs/react.dev \
  --files 'src/content/reference/react/*.md' \
  --files 'src/content/reference/react-dom/*.md' \
  --files 'src/content/learn/*.md' \
  --namespace my-namespace


npm run dev


This application can be deployed on platforms with support for Next.js + edge functions. Examples:

Make sure to add the environment variables to the platform first.