
This repo contains the functionality of LLM container.

Primary LanguagePython

Purpose of the Docker

This container is running as a ROS2 Node and contains a Ollama installation with Mistral as a LLM.

It also contains the website which is used to get the user input.


Once the container is started, the entry point is directly on the cli of ollama.

Call Ollama Python API test

navigate to llm_scene_docker/llm_files/


python3 python3 MainLLM.py

Start the website

ros2 run pkg_website_llm website_llm


How to request the User Input

  1. Connect to Docker
  2. enter on the terminal

ros2 service call /user_interaction llm_interfaces/srv/UserInteraction {''}

ros2 service call scene_interpretation llm_interfaces/srv/SceneInterpretation "{user_input: 'TEST'}"

Please not in the {}-brackets should be the ObjectDetections, so that the Website can display them.

  1. The terminal shows the user input.

How to start the Action Client and Server to send the user input to the LLM


  1. Open New Terminal
  2. Connect to LLM_Docker
  3. colcon build && source install/setup.bash
  4. Navigate to the folder: cd src/pkg_website_llm/pkg_website_llm/
  5. python3 ActionClientToPreProcessing.py


  1. Open New Terminal
  2. Connect to LLM_Docker
  3. colcon build && source install/setup.bash
  4. Navigate to the folder: cd /src/pkg_llm_docker/pkg_llm_docker
  5. python3 LLM_Action_Server.py

How to mock (bypass the LLM)

  1. Connect to Docker
  2. enter on the terminal:

ros2 run pkg_pack_item_server pack_item_server

  1. Result is hard coded:

['Box_Gluehlampe', 'Box_Wischblatt','Keilriemen_gross', 'Box_Bremsbacke', 'Keilriemen_klein', 'Tuete']