Python implementation of hERG ion channel model

This repository contains scripts for solving a hERG ion channel model analytically and using an ODE solver.


It is recommended to install libraries and run scripts in a virtual environment to avoid version conflicts between different projects. In order to do this, follow these steps:

  • virtualenv folder_name or if you have both python 2 and 3: virtualenv --python=python3 folder_name. Should virtualenv not be recognised you may need to call it as python -m virtualenv folder_name or (python -m virtualenv folder_name). If that doesn't work you may need to install virtualenv first pip install virtualenv.
  • Activate the virtual environment using source folder_name/bin/activate. Simply type deactivate to exit the virtual environment at the end of a session.
  • Install the required packages by typing pip install -r requirements.txt


[Joseph to Do]


Tests are available to check whether the analytical solution of the ion channel model matches that obtained using an ODE solver. In order to run the tests, simply type pytest