
Att. Flutter Version 3.10

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

NavTracker is based on codes from the package Fluro

But is optimized to navigation without context

Fluro github: https://github.com/lukepighetti/fluro

The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter.


  • Simple route navigation
  • Function handlers (map to a function instead of a route)
  • Wildcard parameter matching
  • Querystring parameter parsing
  • Common transitions built-in
  • Simple custom transition creation
  • Follows beta Flutter channel
  • Null-safety

Getting started

First, you should define a new NavTracker object by initializing it as such:

   return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      navigatorKey: NavTracker.I.navKey,
      home: Tela1(),
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,

It may be convenient for you to store the router globally/statically so that you can access the router in other areas in your application.

After instantiating the router, you will need to define your routes and your route handlers:

void defineRoutes() {
   NavTracker.I.define("user/:id", handler: Handler(bind: (params, args) {
      return UsersScreen(params, args);
    }), transitionType: TransitionType.inFromRight);

In the above example, the router will intercept a route such as /users/1234 and route the application to the UsersScreen passing the value 1234 as a parameter to that screen.


You can use NavTracker with the MaterialApp.onGenerateRoute parameter via NavTracker.I.generator. To do so, pass the function reference to the onGenerate parameter like: onGenerateRoute: NavTracker.I.generator.

You can then use Navigator.push and the flutter routing mechanism will match the routes for you.

You can also manually push to a route yourself. To do so:


Class arguments

After pushing a route with a custom arguments. You can get arguments on second parameter from Handler.bind callback.

/// Push a route with custom arguments.
  arguments: {"test": 5598745},

/// Extract the arguments using [arguments]
var homeHandler = Handler(
  bind: (params, arguments) {
    final args = arguments;
    return HomeComponent(args);