The stylesheets in this project are built using Compass, a CSS authoring framework that uses Sass to generate CSS files. The styles and components are generated by Foundation 4, an awesome and flexible CSS component framework that ensures your stylesheet is cross-browser friendly and mobile friendly.
To setup the project, make sure you have Ruby, RubyGems and, optionally, Bundler. Next, run Bundler to install the required gems:
$ bundle install
That command is equivalent to executing:
$ gem install --version '0.12.7' compass $ gem install --version '4.3.2' zurb-foundation
Once you have the gems installed, you can build the stylesheets.
To build the stylesheets, simply run:
$ compass compile
The stylesheets are compiled from the Sass source files in the sass/ folder and written to the stylesheets/ folder. You can then reference the stylesheets in stylesheets/ from your HTML file.
You can use the sample document inside stylesheet/ to live preview the output.
$ asciidoctor -a stylesheet=./stylesheets/rocket-panda.css sample.adoc
If you want to activate syntax highlighting in the code, add this argument:
-a source-highlighter=highlightjs
Now just browse to index.html in your browser and checkout the result!
You may want to preview sample HTML files on another computer or device. To do that, you need to serve them through a web server. You can quickly serve HTML files in the root directory of the project using the following command:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4242
You don’t have to include the underscore prefix when importing files. |
The awesome-icons component is only applicable to HTML generated by Asciidoctor >= 0.1.2 with the icons attribute set to awesome. |
You can add any explicit customizations below the import lines.
The variables you can set in sass/settings/_hipster.scss are a combination of the {source}/blob/master/sass/settings/_settings.scss.dist[Foundation 4 built-in global settings] and {source}/blob/master/sass/settings/_defaults.scss[global settings and imports for the AsciiDoc components].
I hope you can enjoy this theme as much as I did creating it!