Nokia Academy: Unit Tests and Test Driven Development exercises

This repository contains two exercises which will be performed during NA lectures.


  • CMake 3.10+
  • Compiler compatible with CMake (gcc, clang, etc...)
  • Git


$ mkdir <build_folder>; cd <build_folder>
$ cmake <path_to_unpacked_projects>
$ make

Binaries for each exercise will be stored in <path_to_unpacked_projects>/project1 and <build_folder>/project2. First compilation will take some time, because it will download and compile GTest/GMock framework.

Custom targes are added so you can compile and run tests for project1 doing make tests1 after cmake. There is of course tests2 target for project2.



$ ./<build_folder>/project1/tests_for_legacy

One line to rule them all

If you create a build folder on the same level as project1 and project2 folders then you can use a one-liner like this:

cmake .. && make tests1
cmake .. && make tests2