
Following Mastering NodeJS tutorial of Piyush Garg 👨🏻‍💻.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Begining of Node

Following Mastering NodeJS tutorial of Piyush Garg.

S.No. Topic Points
01. What is NodeJS ?
  • JavaScript Engine
  • Benefits of NodeJS
  • What is NodeJS
02. NodeJS Installation
  • Steps to install NodeJS
  • What is npm
03. Hello World NodeJS
  • Print Hello World using NodeJS
04. Modules in NodeJS
  • Spiliting funtions using modular approch
  • De-structring
05. File Handling in NodeJS
  • File Handling Module (fs)
  • Synchronous call and Async call in fs module
  • CRUD operation on files.
06. How NodeJS Works
  • Client Server Architecture
  • How nodejs work internally
  • Request -> Blocking & Non-Blocking
07. Building Http Server in NodeJS
  • create a http server using http module
  • create and run a http server
08. Handling Url
  • Structure of URL(Uniform Resource Locator)
  • How to user url module in server
09. Http methods
  • Make All these requests using Http mehtod
10. Getting Start with Express
  • Installing express
  • Made express server and requests
11. How Versioning Works in NodeJS ?
  • About Versioning of NodeJS
  • Minor Fix, Recommended Bug Fix , Major Realese
12. What is Rest API ?
  • Restfull API Rules
  • Work on Client Server Architecture
  • Respect all Http methods
13. Building Rest API using NodeJS and Express
  • Api to list all the users
  • Uses Dynamic Path Parameter to show user
  • Api to create a new user
  • Api to delete user
14. Intro to Postman for Rest API
  • Uses POSTMAN app to create apis
15. Express Middleware
  • What is middleware
  • Middleware functions
16. What are Http Headers in API
  • What are http Headers in API ?
17. Http Status Codes
  • Status Code
  • Types of Responses
18. Getting Started with MongoDB
  • What is MongoDB ?
  • Commands of MongoDB
19. Connecting NodeJS with MongoDB
  • What is Mongoose?
  • What are the schema?
    20. Model View Controller in NodeJS
    • Model View Controller
    21. Custom URl Shortner
    • Started the URL Shortner Project
    22. Server Side Rendering with EJS and NodeJS
    • Uses EJS for Server side rendering for URL Shortner
    23. Building Node.js Authentication from Scratch
    • Authentication
    • Authentication Patterns - Stateless & Statefull
    • How to transfer uid?
    • Express flow of authentication
    24. JWT Authentication
    • Problems in Statefull Authentication
    • Stateless Authentication
    25. What are Cookies ?
    • Cookies in NodeJS
    • Create cookies using - Browser, Header
    26. Authorization
    • What is Authorization?
    • How authorization works?
    27. Creating Discord Bot in NodeJS
    • How to make Discord Bot?
    28. Uploading Files with Multer
    • Steps to upload file with Multer
    29. Setting Up Project - Blog App
    • Started Blog App
    • Steps to Create Blog App
    30. Setting Up Authentication - Blog App
    • Started Blog App
    • Steps to Create Authentication
    31. Complete Blog App
    • Completed the Blog App
    32. Deploy NodeJS App on Cloud
    • Learned about .env file
    • Steps to deploy NodeJS app on Cloud
    33. Websocket
    • What is WebSocket?
    • What is the Problem on Other Protocol ?
    • How could be solved via WebSocket using Socket.io Library?
    34. Streams
    • What is Streams in NodeJS?
    • What is the Problem?
    • How could be solved via Streams?
    35. Scale NodeJS app using Cluster module
    • Problem
    • Solution
    36. What is Nginx ?
    • What is Nginx?
    • Advantage
    37. Install & Setup Nginx
    • Installation of Nginx on Docker
    • Stpes to Install
    42. GraphQL
    • What is GraphQL?
    • Problems Solved by GraphQL
    • What is Axios?