
📬 Manage and organize all your support inquiries on Telegram.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python version GitHub license GitHub issues GitHub pull requests
GitHub stars GitHub forks GitHub watchers



The Telegram Support Bot 📬 helps you to manage and organize your support inquiries.


  • Text, Photos, Documents and Stickers are being forwarded
  • Spam protection (sensitivity can be set in config.py)
  • Bad words filter (using regex, words can be set in config.py)
  • List all open/unanswered tickets (time passed since ticket opened is being shown as well)
  • Ban / Un-ban users (via reply or user id). User won't be able to interact with the bot anymore
  • List banned users, with last interaction point
  • Customisable FAQ text
  • Detect the users language and display it as an emoji

💡 Got a feature idea? Open an issue and I might implement it.

Staff commands

Command Description
/ban Ban user by ID or reply
/unban Un-ban user by ID or reply
/banned List banned users
/tickets or /t List open tickets
/close or /c Manually close a ticket by reply

User commands

Command Description
/start Starts the bot
/faq Show the FAQ's


⚠️ Best to run the bot on a VPS. I can recommend Hetzner's CX11 VPS for 2.89€/month. Sign up now and receive €20 free credits.

  1. Log into MySQL (sudo mysql) and create a dedicated database and user with the following commands:
    1. CREATE DATABASE TelegramSupportBot;
    2. CREATE USER 'SupportBotUser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<YOUR PASSWORD>';
    3. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TelegramSupportBot . * TO 'SupportBotUser'@'localhost';
    4. exit;
  2. Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/fabston/Telegram-Support-Bot.git
  3. Create your virtual environment python3 -m venv Telegram-Support-Bot
  4. Activate it source Telegram-Support-Bot/bin/activate && cd Telegram-Support-Bot
  5. Install all requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Edit and update config.py
  7. Run the bot python main.py


Telegram Support Bot

How can I help?

All kinds of contributions are welcome 🙌! The most basic way to show your support is to ⭐️ star the project, or raise 🐞 issues.

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