Using Logistic regression to predict death due to corna Virus. We will compare it with Exponential case .
Note: Exponential Case is the Extreme Case where all of the population gets infected in next 2 weeks time. Logistic Regression is the ideal case we need it to end, with the current trend shown.
But the reality will be in between these 2 curves , and it depends on a lot of actions taken, policies and mistakes and economic states.
India Estimates as of 02-04-2020 . on Ideal case it stops with 4000 to 5000 peoples with little changes for coming months. Or on Extreme case 5 lakh get infected in next 2 weeks. More data or facts give more clarity for prediction.
Italy have reached their final stages. so Logistical Curve may hold true. As almost 20% of their population got infected as per government sources. Whereas in India recorded Infected peoples are 0.012% only.