
Example on how to compile and embedded Racket (Scheme Lisp) into a C/C++ Program (using CMake)

Primary LanguageCMakeApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Example project on how to compile and embedded Racket (Scheme Lisp) into a C/C++ Program (using CMake).

Tested on Racket 8.2 (CS), running on Ubuntu 20.04.


$ cmake -B build .
$ cmake --build build --parallel

Lazy or Immediate loading of base image

The build step generates a custom racket base image via the racket ctool. The base image is then loaded into the main application via C-routines provided by the Racket interfacing library. This CMake configuration allows the base image to be loaded via "lazy" method at runtime, or via "immediate" method at compile time. The default method is "lazy".

You can choose which load method to use by specifying the CMake option

$ cmake -B build <...> -DEMBED_BASE_MODULES_IMMEDIATE=ON         # (default is OFF)

In the lazy version, the base image is generated as a binary file by the raco ctool --mods <...> command, which is then loaded by the racket_embedded_load_file() function at startup. The base image can change, without needing to re-compile and re-link the whole library/program.

In the immediate version, the base image is encoded as a HUUUUUUGE[1] byte array in C source code form. The generated C source code is compiled and linked into the program during the build step, and is available immediately when the program starts. The startup routine then reads and executes the byte array via the racket_embedded_load_bytes() function (indirectly by the generated declare_modules() function). This version might be useful if/when you decide to bundle your application into a single executable. However, the generation and compilation of the massive C source file is unbearably slow, so I recommend using the lazy method during development.

[1]: depending on what libraries/modules you embed into it



Build the project, then you should be able to run the simple repl example:

$ source test-vars.sh
$ ./build/repl


The example executable 'repl' needs to read these bootfiles at startup:

  • petite.boot
  • scheme.boot
  • racket.boot

On Ubuntu 20.04, these files are found under /usr/lib/racket. The custom startup routine (boot-racket.c) attemps to locate these files via environment variables PETITE_BOOT, SCHEME_BOOT and RACKET_BOOT, respectively.

Additionally, the boot routine loads the custom racket base image which should have beeen generated via raco ctool. The path the base image is specified via RACKET_BASE_BIN environment variable. Note, that CMake is configured to generate this base image automatically.

So at startup, all you need to run is something like this:

$ export PETITE_BOOT=/usr/lib/racket/petite.boot
$ export SCHEME_BOOT=/usr/lib/racket/scheme.boot
$ export RACKET_BOOT=/usr/lib/racket/racket.boot
$ export RACKET_BASE_BIN=$PWD/build/rkt/racket-base.bin
$ ./build/repl

The export commands need to be run only once per shell session. Instead of running each command separately, you can run source test-vars.sh once for the same effect.


This setup was tested with Racket 8.2 (CS) on Ubuntu 20.04. The racket package should provide the required library (libracketcs.a) , header files and raco ctool[2].

Successful build depends on these tools and libraries:

  • a recent C compiler toolchain (GCC, or Clang)
  • CMake >= 3.16
  • pkg-config
  • zlib1g >= 1
  • liblz4 >= 1.9
  • Basic threading support (pthreads?)

More details about dependencies can be found in rkt/CMakeLists.txt.

[2]: NOTE: The raco tool shipped with the Racket package must have a ctool subcommand available. It is required for the base image generation (see Build above). Some platforms/packages may not provide it; for example on FreeBSD 12.2 the package racket-minimal-8.2 does not provide raco ctool.


Nothing much. Mostly demonstrates the build setup via CMake. The Racket documentation was a bit lacking in this regard. There are also very few C code examples of how to use the embedded Racket. I will investigate more...


Here are some random "nice to have" ideas:

  • Figure out smarter way of specifying location of runtime files, perhaps a configuration file?
  • Create a CMake target that bundles all these various files into a single executable.


Markus H (MawKKe)


Copyright 2021 Markus Holmström (MawKKe)

The works under this repository are licenced under Apache License 2.0. See file LICENSE for more information.


This project is hosted at https://github.com/MawKKe/racket-embed-example

You are welcome to leave bug reports, fixes and feature requests. Thanks!