
Setup a command to be run when signaled on a named slot

Primary LanguagePython


Setup a command to be run when signaled on a named slot


Usage of this program is divided in two parts:

  1. Registering a command to a slot. Do this with ./superslots.py wait <slot>

  2. Triggering a slot with ./superslots.py trigger <slot>, causing all it's registered commands to be run.


superslots.py has these subcommands:

superslots.py list

superslots.py reset

superslots.py wait

superslots.py trigger

Each of these has a separate --help page. Read them.


superslots.py wait --keepalive myslot1 -- ping -c2 localhost
superslots.py wait --special   myslot2 -- 'ls | sort'

Then trigger in another window: superslots.py trigger myslot1

Now ping runs in the first terminal

NOTE: any non-arguments must come AFTER <slot>


  1. In your OS's keyboard configuration, bind Ctrl+Shift+o (or something..) to run superslots.py trigger build

  2. cd to your projects build dir

  3. run superslots.py wait --keepalive build -- make -j4

  4. Write code in another terminal, hit the key combo. Vuala! Your code compiles magically!


Python and Sqlite3. No other external dependencies.

Should work out-of-the-box with any *nix os. Uses signals in the trigger mechanism.

  • python 3
    • argparse
    • subprocess
    • signal
    • time
    • os
    • functools
    • datetime
    • contextlib
  • sqlite3