A resource for the Women Who Code Portland Intro to Sketch class
This one hour class will give you a basic introduction to the functionality of Sketch, a graphics tool used to design user interfaces. The class is meant to be a brief introduction to some of the core and most useful functionality of Sketch.
Download and install Sketch It is free for the first 30 days
Download the starter file There are a few added things to make this process go smoother
The class will go through each step of the project together. Here is a high-level agenda of what will be covered:
- Why use Sketch?
- Key Features
- Exercise introduction: Re-create the Meetup iOS App
- Intro the Sketch interface
- Setup
- Symbols
- Typography
- Images
- Export
If time:
- Sketch Mirror
- Craft by InVision
- Hand-off through Zeplin
- Animate through Princple or Framer
Please reach out if you follow-up questions through the WWC Portland Slack @kristin or hello@kristinlasita.com