
A medium and dev.to inspired blogging app

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A medium and dev.to inspired blogging app

Checkout the demo here

Data Model


  • users (users/{uid}) Public user profile. The id of a user document is auto generated. Each user document has the following fields and embeded/sub collections

    • userName
    • photoUrl
    • displayName
    • post collection (users/{uid}/posts/{slug}) User can have many posts. Each post document has the following fields. The id of a post document is same as the slug. It also has a hearts subcollection.
      • tile
      • uid (Matches the id of the user document)
      • createdAt
      • updatedAt
      • content
      • slug
      • published
      • heartCount
      • username
      • hearts collection (users/{uid}/posts/{slug}/hearts/{uid}) many-to-many relationship between users and posts via hearts. The id of a heart document is auto generated. Each heart document has the following field.
        • uid (Matches the uid of the user who hearted the post)
  • usernames (usernames/{username}) Username uniqueness tracking. The id of a username document matches the username field of a user. Each username document has the following field

    • uid (value is same as id for the user document)


Deployed using Vercel